[PDF][PDF] L'accompagnement institutionnel des femmes entrepreneures: Quel modèle d'accompagnement pour les femmes créatrices de très petites entreprises?

T Lebègue - Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat, 2015 - cairn.info
Les recherches menées sur l'accompagnement institutionnel des femmes entrepreneures
demeurent marginales dans la littérature et ce malgré le rôle avéré des dispositifs de …

The role of spousal support in the emancipation of refugee women entrepreneurs in practice: the case of Syrian women entrepreneurship in Lebanon

R El Ali, S Le Loarne-Lemaire - Women, Family and Family …, 2022 - elgaronline.com
This chapter seeks to contribute to the literature on women's entrepreneurship while
focusing on one specific context: refugee entrepreneurship in deprived economic zones of …

L'intention de croissance et le genre à l'épreuve de la parentalité

J Byrne, S Fattoum, O Giacomin, A Tounés - Management international, 2018 - erudit.org
Nous analysons dans cet article l'influence des responsabilités familiales sur l'intention de
croissance des entrepreneurs naissants. A l'instar de Jennings et McDougald (2007) et …

Making sense of women entrepreneurship research: a qualitative meta-analytical review

I Aaltio, Q Wang - International council for small business world …, 2016 - jyx.jyu.fi
In this study, we explore how extant literature contributes to the development in women
entrepreneurship research in terms of both theoretical and practical perspectives …

Perceived legitimacy of women entrepreneurs: Between identity legitimacy and entrepreneurial legitimacy

P Pailot, C Poroli, S Chasserio - The Routledge companion to …, 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
This chapter investigates the legitimacy perceived by women entrepreneurs in relation to
themselves and in their interactions with their stakeholders. By focusing on sex and sex …

Les inégalités dans l'entrepreneuriat des femmes: proposition d'un cadre d'analyse bidimensionnel catégoriel et relationnel

P Pailot, S Chasserio, T Lebegue, C Poroli - Management international …, 2023 - erudit.org
La littérature en entrepreneuriat des femmes dénonce largement les inégalités dont les
entrepreneures font l'objet. En combinant une approche catégorielle (visant à appréhender …

Reviewing Representations of the Ubiquitous “Entrepreneurs Wife”

R Smith, L Warren - Exploring Gender at Work: Multiple Perspectives, 2021 - Springer
Much emphasis is placed on the “male centric” ideology of entrepreneurship; and on the
heroic male entrepreneur when entrepreneurs patently operate within long-term …

Gendered Perceptions of Spousal Support and Entrepreneurial Intention: Evidence from Nigeria

YF Awotoye, CE Stevens - American Journal of Management, 2023 - articlearchives.co
In this study, we examined the impact of spousal support on the well-being and
entrepreneurial self-efficacy of potential entrepreneurs and the consequent effects on their …

[PDF][PDF] This is an electronic reprint of the original article. This reprint may differ from the original in pagination and typographic detail.

J Äystö, BS Chang, T Kalliokoski… - Journal of Physics …, 2014 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Quantum ChromoDynamics (QCD) is well-established as the gauge theory of strong
interactions. However, several of its fundamental aspects are not well-understood at present …

The spouse's role in the women entrepreneurship ecosystem with a meta-synthesis approach

M Hosseinpour, B Rezaei, A Khodaei - Woman in Development & …, 2021 - jwdp.ut.ac.ir
The present study was conducted by combining previous research with the aim of providing
a comprehensive picture of the components of the role of spouses in the entrepreneurship …