Stereological study of postnatal testicular development in Blackbelly sheep

J Herrera-Alarcón, E Villagómez-Amezcua… - Theriogenology, 2007 - Elsevier
The objective was to characterize testicular development in Blackbelly sheep, focusing
primarily on Sertoli cell number. Lambs (n= 43) were allotted into eight groups, and …

Desarrollo del eje reproductivo endocrino en corderos de pelo

LJ Montiel-Olguín, HR Vera-Ávila… - Revista mexicana de …, 2016 -
Los objetivos fueron caracterizar los perfiles de LH y testosterona (T) y la respuesta a GnRH
en corderos de pelo. Estudio 1: se utilizaron corderos Blackbelly (n= 4), Pelibuey (n= 5) …

[PDF][PDF] Efecto de la inmunización contra testosterona sobre las características testiculares de toros Cebú

HJ Severiano, TAG Orozco, MM Trejo - Técnica Pecuaria en México, 2002 -
El objetivo fue conocer el efecto de la inmunización contra testosterona en toros
prepúberes, sobre el tamaño testicular y la producción espermática durante la edad adulta …

[PDF][PDF] Relationship of Scrotal Diameter and Testicular Size to Sperm Head Output in Growing Albino Rats

Background: Sperm output can be estimated by the size of reproductive organs for particular
species and age. Methods: Fifteen post-pubertal male albino rats, above 50 days of age and …

[HTML][HTML] Development of the endocrine reproductive axis in hair breed ram lambs

LJ Montiel-Olguín, HR Vera-Ávila… - Revista mexicana de …, 2016 -
The objectives were to characterize the profiles of LH and testosterone (T) and the response
to GnRH administration in hair ram lambs. Study 1: seventeen lambs were used: Blackbelly …

[PDF][PDF] Mithun Bulls Under a Semi-Management** Zhan-Xing He," Mei-Fen Huang," An-Kui Wang," Ji-Cai Zhang," Gang Zhao," Xi-Ping Yuan,"" Kai-Xing Qu and" Bi-Zhi …

ZX He - Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 2014 -
The present study was aimed to investigate the patterns of plasma hormones including
oestradiol-17ß (E), Progesterone (P), Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Luteinizing …

[引用][C] Body and testicular traits, libido testing and semen analysis of young males from the Blanco Orejinegro (Bos taurus) herd of University of Antioquia, throughout …

G Urrea, SL Cordoba, JA Neira, JGM Estrada - Revista Colombiana de Ciencias …, 2001