[PDF][PDF] Peran budaya organisasi dalam pembentukkan karakter, etika dan moral siswa SMA Negeri di Kota Malang

AS Fibrianto, AD Yuniar - Jurnal Analisa …, 2020 - download.garuda.kemdikbud.go.id
Moral siswa sebagai generasi muda penerus bangsa banyak mengalami pergeseran. Hal
ini dibuktikan dari banyaknya kasus-kasus siswa melawan guru, tawuran antar siswa …

Analysis of Globalization Phenomena: Forms of K-Pop Cultural Fanaticism Among Students (Case Study of Sociology Student at Universitas Negeri Malang)

AS Fibrianto, MI Asrori, D Mahardiansyah… - … on Social Studies …, 2020 - atlantis-press.com
The culture of foreign nations entering Indonesia is a form of real influence for Indonesia
which is a result of emerging technological developments caused by globalization. One of …

Narasi Pluralisme Pelaku Aliran Kebatinan Sumarah

YR Agung, M Mahpur, M Zawawi - Societas Dei: Jurnal Agama …, 2022 -
Pluralisme sebagai suatu praktik menjadi pengalaman yang unik, khususnya dalam
perjumpaan lintas-agama. Di antara pengalaman itu, pelaku kebatinan (mysticism) sudah …

Malang's K-Pop Fans Hyperreality

NY Rachman, NF Jannah, E Revilda… - … on Social Studies …, 2020 - atlantis-press.com
This article made on purpose to review about popular culture that is Korean Hallyu star or
well-known as K-Pop (Korean Pop) culture, from South Korea. Based on this research, K …

Cultural Conservation of Wong Kejawen Religion (Folklore Study of the Kejawen Community in Sidorejo Village, Batang Regency)

NL Martanti, H Mukti - Jurnal Sosial, Politik dan …, 2023 - journal.formosapublisher.org
Abstract The Kejawen tradition in Sidorejo is one of the cultural icons in Batang Regency.
The Balekambang site is one proof of the existence of Javanese culture in Sidorejo. Various …

Pros and Cons of Removing the Religion Column in Indonesian Identity Cards (Analysis of the Impact and Regulation on Human Rights)

BE Prayogo - Contemporary Issues on Interfaith Law and …, 2022 - journal.unnes.ac.id
The removing of the religious column on the national identity card raised pros and cons. has
begun. In one side, there are many beliefs cannot be accommodated by the administration …


C Anam, K Ahmad - Jurnal Aktual Justice, 2024 - ojs.unr.ac.id
Abstract Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi (“MK”) RI No. Nomor 97/PUU-XIV/2016 tanggal 7
November 2017 menjadi inovasi baru bagi perlindungan hak konstitusi warga negara di …

[PDF][PDF] The Pluralism Narrative of the Sumarah Mysticism

YR Agung, M Mahpur, M Zawawi - Societas Dei - academia.edu
Pluralism as a practice becomes a unique experience, especially in cross-religious
encounters. Among those experiences, mysticism had the practice of directly appreciating …