SADC: extra-regional trade relations constrain deeper market integration

J Muntschick - Regional Integration in the Global South: External …, 2017 - Springer
The economic structure of SADC is even more extreme than that of MERCOSUR. SADC's
trade network shows low importance of intraregional trade, a very high dependence on extra …

Causes and Effects of External Support to Regional Organisations: The Case of EU Support to the ECOWAS Commission in Customs and Free Movement

LM Müller - Regionalism in Africa and External Partners: Uneven …, 2022 - Springer
This chapter offers a micro-perspective and looks at regional public administrations as key
structures of regional organisations in Africa. Taking an inter-organisational approach, the …

Einführung und Theoretisierung: Regionalismus und externe Akteure

J Muntschick - Regionalismus in Afrika und externe Partner …, 2023 - Springer
Zusammenfassung Das Kapitel bietet eine Einführung in das Gesamtthema und Einblicke in
die Debatte darüber, wie Regionalismus als Forschungsgegenstand zu verstehen und zu …

Introduction and Theorising: Regionalism and External Actors

J Muntschick - Regionalism in Africa and External Partners: Uneven …, 2022 - Springer
The chapter provides an introduction to the overall topic and insights into the debate on how
to understand and conceptualise regionalism as an object of research. Its key purpose is to …

Regional economic integration in the Southern African Development Community (SADC): Analysing the dynamics and performance

J Muntschick - Vestnik RUDN. International Relations, 2020 -
This article analyses the dynamics and performance of regional economic integration in the
Southern African Development Community (SADC). It proposes an innovative theoretical …

Региональная экономическая интеграция в Сообществе развития юга Африки (САДК): анализ динамики и результатов

М Йоханнес - Вестник Российского университета дружбы …, 2020 -
В статье анализируется динамика и показатели региональной экономической
интеграции в Сообществе развития юга Африки (САДК). Предлагается инновационный …

The impact of regionalism on democracy building: An examination of the Southern African development community (SADC)

J Muntschick - … , and media engagement among emerging economies …, 2017 - Springer
Since the early 1990s, the world has witnessed a new wave of regionalism and a
mushrooming of regional integration organizations, particularly in the global South …