A Akman, S Yıldırım - Anasay, 2022 - dergipark.org.tr
Afet yönetimi ve bilincinin gelişmesi, doğal felaketlerden korunma açısından oldukça
önemlidir. Bu noktada koruyucu nitelikte girişimler eğitim ve farkındalık çalışmaların …

Design-based natural disaster education practices for primary school teachers

AO Akcay, E Karahan, MA Bozan, F Ardıc… - Journal of Education in …, 2023 - dergipark.org.tr
The goal of this study was to uncover primary teachers' perspectives on the use of design-
based activities in disaster education and to thoroughly examine the plans. The study is …

Effectiveness of Activity Supported Earthquake Awareness Education Program in Primary School Children:“I Know What I Need to Do, I'm Not Falling Even If We …

A Kurt, E Doruk, S Atsever, Ş Ate - Public Health Nursing, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Objective The objective of this study was to enhance the knowledge base of primary school
children regarding earthquake preparedness through the implementation of an activity …

Experiences of nursing students providing support in disaster areas: A qualitative study

M Yildirim, F Bozdağ, Ö Başdaş - Public Health Nursing, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
This study was conducted as a qualitative inquiry to deeply explore the thoughts and
experiences of nursing students involved in support activities in disaster areas. It was …

Multıfaceted Educatıonal Needs of Prımary School Students Movıng to Istanbul Due to Earthquake

N Sözen - International Journal of Education and Literacy …, 2023 - journals.aiac.org.au
This study seeks to reveal the multifaceted educational needs of primary school students
who left their hometown due to the earthquake and continue their education in Istanbul. The …

Doğal Afetlerde Anne Sütü ile Beslemenin Sürdürülmesi

G Manav, GK Muslu - İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri … - dergipark.org.tr
Bebeğin anne sütü ile beslenmesi sağlığının sürdürülmesi için büyük öneme sahiptir.
Bebeklerin doğal afetlerin etkilerine karşı en savunmasız oldukları ve acil durum planlarında …


GB DURMAZ, M SUİÇMEZ - CHILD AND LIFE, 2024 - researchgate.net
and vulnerable group in a disaster society. In children who cannot recover from the effects of
the disaster in time, Acute Stress Disorder may occur within the first month, and Post …

[引用][C] Afet hemşireliği yönetiminde yetkinlikler ölçeği: Türkçe geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışması

U Durgut - 2019 - Namık Kemal Üniversitesi

[引用][C] Effect of life events on career choice: Trauma sampling

S Bulut, İ Sülük - Academixs Journal of Clinical Psychiatry and Mental …, 2021 - Academixs