Light absorption and energy transfer in the antenna complexes of photosynthetic organisms
The process of photosynthesis is initiated by the capture of sunlight by a network of light-
absorbing molecules (chromophores), which are also responsible for the subsequent …
absorbing molecules (chromophores), which are also responsible for the subsequent …
Biodiversity of NPQ
R Goss, B Lepetit - Journal of plant physiology, 2015 - Elsevier
In their natural environment plants and algae are exposed to rapidly changing light
conditions and light intensities. Illumination with high light intensities has the potential to …
conditions and light intensities. Illumination with high light intensities has the potential to …
Carotenoids—antioxidant properties
AJ Young, GL Lowe - Antioxidants, 2018 -
The carotenoid group of pigments are ubiquitous in nature and more than 600 different
carotenoids have been identified and characterized [1]. They are responsible for …
carotenoids have been identified and characterized [1]. They are responsible for …
[图书][B] Non-photochemical quenching and energy dissipation in plants, algae and cyanobacteria
Figures showing species and properties relevant to non-photochemical quenching
studies.(a) Filamentous planktonic cyanobacteria Dolichospermum crassum and D. flos …
studies.(a) Filamentous planktonic cyanobacteria Dolichospermum crassum and D. flos …
[HTML][HTML] The photoprotective molecular switch in the photosystem II antenna
We have reviewed the current state of multidisciplinary knowledge of the photoprotective
mechanism in the photosystem II antenna underlying non-photochemical chlorophyll …
mechanism in the photosystem II antenna underlying non-photochemical chlorophyll …
Ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy: principles and application to photosynthetic systems
The photophysical and photochemical reactions, after light absorption by a photosynthetic
pigment–protein complex, are among the fastest events in biology, taking place on …
pigment–protein complex, are among the fastest events in biology, taking place on …
PHOTOPROTECTION REVISITED: Genetic and Molecular Approaches
KK Niyogi - Annual review of plant biology, 1999 -
▪ Abstract The involvement of excited and highly reactive intermediates in oxygenic
photosynthesis poses unique problems for algae and plants in terms of potential oxidative …
photosynthesis poses unique problems for algae and plants in terms of potential oxidative …
The role of xanthophyll cycle carotenoids in the protection of photosynthesis
B Demmig-Adams, WW Adams - Trends in Plant science, 1996 -
The use of solar energy in photosynthesis depends on the ability to safely dissipate excess
energy. The key dissipation process employed by plants in their natural environment is …
energy. The key dissipation process employed by plants in their natural environment is …
The photochemical reflectance index: an optical indicator of photosynthetic radiation use efficiency across species, functional types, and nutrient levels
JA Gamon, L Serrano, JS Surfus - Oecologia, 1997 - Springer
The photochemical reflectance index (PRI), derived from narrow-band reflectance at 531
and 570 nm, was explored as an indicator of photosynthetic radiation use efficiency for 20 …
and 570 nm, was explored as an indicator of photosynthetic radiation use efficiency for 20 …
Crystal structure of spinach major light-harvesting complex at 2.72 Å resolution
Z Liu, H Yan, K Wang, T Kuang, J Zhang, L Gui, X An… - Nature, 2004 -
The major light-harvesting complex of photosystem II (LHC-II) serves as the principal solar
energy collector in the photosynthesis of green plants and presumably also functions in …
energy collector in the photosynthesis of green plants and presumably also functions in …