Overview of the clef–2022 checkthat! lab on fighting the covid-19 infodemic and fake news detection
We describe the fifth edition of the CheckThat! lab, part of the 2022 Conference and Labs of
the Evaluation Forum (CLEF). The lab evaluates technology supporting tasks related to …
the Evaluation Forum (CLEF). The lab evaluates technology supporting tasks related to …
ChatGPT is fun, but it is not funny! Humor is still challenging Large Language Models
S Jentzsch, K Kersting - arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.04563, 2023 - arxiv.org
Humor is a central aspect of human communication that has not been solved for artificial
agents so far. Large language models (LLMs) are increasingly able to capture implicit and …
agents so far. Large language models (LLMs) are increasingly able to capture implicit and …
The JOKER corpus: English-French parallel data for multilingual wordplay recognition
Despite recent advances in information retrieval and natural language processing, rhetorical
devices that exploit ambiguity or subvert linguistic rules remain a challenge for such …
devices that exploit ambiguity or subvert linguistic rules remain a challenge for such …
Overview of JOKER@ CLEF 2022: automatic wordplay and humour translation workshop
While humour and wordplay are among the most intensively studied problems in the field of
translation studies, they have been almost completely ignored in machine translation. This is …
translation studies, they have been almost completely ignored in machine translation. This is …
Towards Multimodal Prediction of Spontaneous Humor: A Novel Dataset and First Results
Humor is a substantial element of human social behavior, affect, and cognition. Its automatic
understanding can facilitate a more naturalistic human-AI interaction. Current methods of …
understanding can facilitate a more naturalistic human-AI interaction. Current methods of …
Everybody hurts, sometimes overview of hurtful humour at iberlef 2023: Detection of humour spreading prejudice in twitter
R Labadie Tamayo, MA Chulvi-Ferriols… - … del lenguaje natural, 2023 - riunet.upv.es
[ES] El humor es una estrategia eficiente para propagar prejuicios porque, la mayoría de las
veces, elude el juicio moral. Sin embargo, perpetúa estereotipos y, al hacerlo, justifica actos …
veces, elude el juicio moral. Sin embargo, perpetúa estereotipos y, al hacerlo, justifica actos …
BRAINTEASER: Lateral Thinking Puzzles for Large Language Model
The success of language models has inspired the NLP community to attend to tasks that
require implicit and complex reasoning, relying on human-like commonsense mechanisms …
require implicit and complex reasoning, relying on human-like commonsense mechanisms …
Umutextstats: A linguistic feature extraction tool for spanish
JA García-Díaz, PJ Vivancos-Vicente… - Proceedings of the …, 2022 - aclanthology.org
Feature Engineering consists in the application of domain knowledge to select and
transform relevant features to build efficient machine learning models. In the Natural …
transform relevant features to build efficient machine learning models. In the Natural …
Overview of haha at iberlef 2021: Detecting, rating and analyzing humor in spanish
We present the results of HAHA at IberLEF 2021: Humor Analysis ba-sed on Human
Annotation. This year's edition of the competition includes the two classic tasks of humor …
Annotation. This year's edition of the competition includes the two classic tasks of humor …
Computational humor recognition: a systematic literature review
A Kalloniatis, P Adamidis - Artificial Intelligence Review, 2024 - Springer
Computational humor recognition is considered to be one of the hardest tasks in natural
language processing (NLP) since humor is such a particularly complex emotion. There are …
language processing (NLP) since humor is such a particularly complex emotion. There are …