Assessment of heavy metals bioavailability and toxicity toward Vibrio fischeri in sediment of the Huelva estuary

D Rosado, J Usero, J Morillo - Chemosphere, 2016 - Elsevier
Relationship between toxicity and bioavailable metals in sediments from the Huelva estuary
and its littoral of influence was analyzed. Toxicity was assessed with Microtox® bioassay …

Genotoxicity of diuron and glyphosate in oyster spermatozoa and embryos

F Akcha, C Spagnol, J Rouxel - Aquatic Toxicology, 2012 - Elsevier
We investigated the effects of genotoxicant exposure in gametes and embryos to find a
possible link between genotoxicity and reproduction/developmental impairment, and …

Ecotoxicological testing of sediments and dredged material: an overlooked opportunity?

S Heise, M Babut, C Casado, U Feiler… - Journal of Soils and …, 2020 - Springer
Purpose Basing decisions for the management of contaminated sediments on
ecotoxicological data is still often met with skepticism by European stakeholders. These …

Confounding factors in bioassays with freshwater and marine organisms

JF Postma, S De Valk, M Dubbeldam, JL Maas… - Ecotoxicology and …, 2002 - Elsevier
The use of bioassays in ecological risk assessments often raises questions about the
causative factors, and insight into the possibility that confounding factors, such as pH or …

Acute toxicity of some treatments commonly used by the salmonid aquaculture industry to Corophium volutator and Hediste diversicolor: Whole sediment bioassay …

DJ Mayor, M Solan, I Martinez, L Murray, H McMillan… - Aquaculture, 2008 - Elsevier
The commercial farming of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, typically requires the periodic
application of copper-based anti-foulants and chemotherapeutic treatments, including …

Arctic versus temperate comparison of risk assessment metrics for 2-methyl-naphthalene

GH Olsen, MGD Smit, JL Carroll, I Jæger… - Marine environmental …, 2011 - Elsevier
Reliable risk assessment approaches for Arctic environments are requested to manage
potential impacts associated with increased activities in Arctic regions. We performed toxicity …

Toxicity of five antidepressant drugs on embryo–larval development and metamorphosis success in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas

C Di Poi, L Evariste, A Serpentini… - … Science and Pollution …, 2014 - Springer
Unlike conventional pollutants, pharmaceutical residues are continuously discharged at low
levels (low to mid ng l− 1 concentrations), which results in the chronic contamination of non …

Application of bioassays in toxicological hazard, risk and impact assessments of dredged sediments

CA Schipper, I Rietjens, RM Burgess, AJ Murk - Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2010 - Elsevier
Given the potential environmental consequences of dumped dredged harbour sediments it
is vital to establish the potential risks from exposure before disposal at sea. Currently …

Assessment of the environmental quality of French continental Mediterranean lagoons with oyster embryo bioassay

F Galgani, J Senia, JL Guillou, T Laugier… - Archives of …, 2009 - Springer
In order to better understand environmental disturbances in the French coastal
Mediterranean lagoons, we used an ecotoxicological approach based on the measurement …

New methodological improvements in the Microtox® solid phase assay

KFB Pérez, R Charlatchka, L Sahli, JF Férard - Chemosphere, 2012 - Elsevier
The classic Microtox® solid phase assay (MSPA) based on the inhibition of light production
of the marine bacteria recently renamed Aliivibrio fischeri suffers from various bias and …