A comprehensive survey on summarization techniques

PJ Uppalapati, M Dabbiru, KV Rao - SN Computer Science, 2023 - Springer
Summarization is the method of extracting valuable information or a summary out of a
significant amount of data using a variety of computation techniques. The summarization …

A comprehensive study of automatic video summarization techniques

D Gupta, A Sharma - Artificial Intelligence Review, 2023 - Springer
Video summarization deals with the generation of a condensed version of the original video
by including meaningful frames or segments while eliminating redundant information. The …

A multi-flexible video summarization scheme using property-constraint decision tree

X Teng, X Gui, P Xu, Y Shao, J Tong, T Du, H Dai - Neurocomputing, 2022 - Elsevier
Video summarization (VS) technology presents a multi-tendency development. However,
there are still certain challenges in shortening a long video into several diverse and concise …

Platinum: Semi-supervised model agnostic meta-learning using submodular mutual information

C Li, S Kothawade, F Chen… - … Conference on Machine …, 2022 - proceedings.mlr.press
Few-shot classification (FSC) requires training models using a few (typically one to five) data
points per class. Meta-learning has proven to be able to learn a parametrized model for FSC …

Recent Challenges and Opportunities in Video Summarization With Machine Learning Algorithms

P Kadam, D Vora, S Mishra, S Patil, K Kotecha… - IEEE …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The fast progress in digital technology has sparked the generation of the amount of
voluminous data from different social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube …

Deep submodular networks for extractive data summarization

S Kothawade, J Girdhar, C Lavania, R Iyer - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2020 - arxiv.org
Deep Models are increasingly becoming prevalent in summarization problems (eg
document, video and images) due to their ability to learn complex feature interactions and …

Find the Cliffhanger: Multi-modal Trailerness in Soap Operas

C Bretti, P Mettes, HV Koops, D Odijk… - … on Multimedia Modeling, 2024 - Springer
Creating a trailer requires carefully picking out and piecing together brief enticing moments
out of a longer video, making it a challenging and time-consuming task. This requires …

Comparative Analysis of Text-based Video Summarization Techniques using Deep Learning

R Akhare, S Shinde - … 2nd Asian Conference on Innovation in …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Rapid advancements in video technology, as well as the widespread availability of video
capturing equipment, generate large amounts of data that must be managed efficiently in …

Analysis of Video Summarization Techniques for Resource Optimization in Multimedia Applications

R Akhare, SK Shinde, M Mangla - Big Data Analytics in Intelligent IoT and …, 2023 - Springer
The digital camera is essential to many modern activities includes event planning,
entertainment, and security surveillance administration, news, sports, instruction …

AI4TV 2020: 2nd International Workshop on AI for Smart TV Content Production, Access and Delivery

R Troncy, J Laaksonen, HR Tavakoli, L Nixon… - Proceedings of the 28th …, 2020 - dl.acm.org
Technological developments in comprehensive video understanding-detecting and
identifying visual elements of a scene, combined with audio understanding (music, speech) …