Toward an intelligent and efficient beehive: A survey of precision beekeeping systems and services

H Hadjur, D Ammar, L Lefèvre - Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2022 - Elsevier
Since the end of the 20th century, bees are suffering from increasing stress factors, leading
domesticated colonies to die or at least be less productive. Precision beekeeping (PB) is an …

Automated beehive acoustics monitoring: A comprehensive review of the literature and recommendations for future work

M Abdollahi, P Giovenazzo, TH Falk - Applied Sciences, 2022 -
Bees play an important role in agriculture and ecology, and their pollination efficiency is
essential to the economic profitability of farms. The drastic decrease in bee populations …

A smart sensor-based measurement system for advanced bee hive monitoring

S Cecchi, S Spinsante, A Terenzi, S Orcioni - Sensors, 2020 -
The widespread decline of honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies registered in recent years
has raised great attention to the need of gathering deeper knowledge about this …

On the importance of the sound emitted by honey bee hives

A Terenzi, S Cecchi, S Spinsante - Veterinary Sciences, 2020 -
Recent years have seen a worsening in the decline of honey bees (Apis mellifera L.)
colonies. This phenomenon has sparked a great amount of attention regarding the need for …

IoT-based bee swarm activity acoustic classification using deep neural networks

A Zgank - Sensors, 2021 -
Animal activity acoustic monitoring is becoming one of the necessary tools in agriculture,
including beekeeping. It can assist in the control of beehives in remote locations. It is …

Comparison of feature extraction methods for sound-based classification of honey bee activity

A Terenzi, N Ortolani, I Nolasco… - … ACM transactions on …, 2021 -
Honey bees are one of the most important insects on the planet since they play a key role in
the pollination services of both cultivated and spontaneous flora. Recent years have seen an …

Audio-based identification of beehive states

I Nolasco, A Terenzi, S Cecchi, S Orcioni… - ICASSP 2019-2019 …, 2019 -
The absence of the queen in a beehive is a very strong indicator of the need for beekeeper
intervention. Manually searching for the queen is an arduous recurrent task for beekeepers …

IoT monitoring and prediction modeling of honeybee activity with alarm

N Andrijević, V Urošević, B Arsić, D Herceg, B Savić - Electronics, 2022 -
A significant number of recent scientific papers have raised awareness of changes in the
biological world of bees, problems with their extinction, and, as a consequence, their impact …

MFCC-based descriptor for bee queen presence detection

BS Soares, JS Luz, VF de Macêdo, RRV e Silva… - Expert Systems with …, 2022 - Elsevier
Monitoring and detecting hive health are essential for the development of ecosystem
conservation strategies and sustainable beekeeping. The absence of the queen bee is a …

[HTML][HTML] Acoustic and vibration monitoring of honeybee colonies for beekeeping-relevant aspects of presence of queen bee and swarming

C Uthoff, MN Homsi, M von Bergen - Computers and Electronics in …, 2023 - Elsevier
Honeybees are social insects that use a range of signals and cues to communicate with one
another. While many of these communications have been identified and studied, the use of …