A review of drug utilization studies and methodologies

I Truter - Jordan journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 2008 - archives.ju.edu.jo
Drug utilization is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the marketing,
distribution, prescription, and use of drugs in society, with special emphasis on the resulting …

Interventions to improve suboptimal prescribing in nursing homes: A narrative review

ZA Marcum, SM Handler, R Wright… - The American journal of …, 2010 - Elsevier
Background: Appropriate medication prescribing for nursing home residents remains a
challenge. Objective: The purpose of this study was to conduct a narrative review of the …

In utero exposure to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and risk for autism spectrum disorder

NB Gidaya, BK Lee, I Burstyn, M Yudell… - Journal of autism and …, 2014 - Springer
We investigated whether there is an association between increased risk for autism spectrum
disorders (ASD) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) used during pregnancy …

In utero exposure to β-2-adrenergic receptor agonist drugs and risk for autism spectrum disorders

NB Gidaya, BK Lee, I Burstyn, Y Michael… - …, 2016 - publications.aap.org
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to investigate associations between use of β-2-
adrenergic receptor (B2AR) agonist drugs during pregnancy and risk for autism spectrum …

Prescribing pattern of anti-Parkinson drugs in Japan: a trend analysis from 2005 to 2010

S Nakaoka, T Ishizaki, H Urushihara, T Satoh, S Ikeda… - PLoS …, 2014 - journals.plos.org
Objective Therapeutic options for Parkinson's disease mainly consist of L-dopa and
dopamine agonists. However, in Japan, the product labeling of the ergot dopamine agonists …

[HTML][HTML] Padrão de prescrição de antibióticos no Algarve: características do doente e dispersão da terapêutica

I Ramalhinho, LF Gomes, C Filipe, A Cavaco… - Revista Portuguesa de …, 2015 - Elsevier
O aparecimento de microrganismos multirresistentes, quer nos humanos quer nos animais,
sugere a necessidade imperativa de intervenção no padrão de utilização dos antibióticos. O …

Utilización de hipoglucemiantes orales en una unidad médica familiar de Comalcalco, Tabasco, México, 2013

MA Zavala-González, R Lima-Ortiz… - Revista mexicana de …, 2014 - scielo.org.mx
Se realizó una investigación con el objetivo de evaluar la utilización de hipoglucemiantes
orales en pacientes con diabetes mellitus no insulinodependiente, usuarios de una unidad …

[PDF][PDF] at Boston University Program Publication List

SE Center - Gen, 1977 - bu.edu
23. Stolley PD, Davies JL, Shapiro S, Slone D. Components of an epidemiological system
for the surveillance of adverse effects due to vaginal contraceptives. In: Zatuchni GI, Sobrero …

Computer-Aided Pharmacoepidemiology in Drug Use and Safety: Examining the Intersection between Data Science and Medicines Research

I Chikowe, EP Mwakilama - New Insights into the Future of …, 2021 - books.google.com
Pharmacoepidemiology is a relatively new area of study that focuses on research aimed at
producing data about drugs' usage and safety in well-defined populations. Its significant …

O uso dos antibióticos no Algarve: Padrão de utilização, conhecimentos, crenças e comportamentos

IMPS Ramalhinho - 2013 - search.proquest.com
Conhecer a evolução do consumo e o padrão de utilização dos antibióticos, é fundamental
como plataforma para o desenvolvimento de planos de ação que possam contribuir para o …