[图书][B] Robust composition: Towards a uni ed approach to access control and concurrency control

M Miller - 2006 - jscholarship.library.jhu.edu
When separately written programs are composed so that they may cooperate, they may
instead destructively interfere in unanticipated ways. These hazards limit the scale and …

Linear objects: Logical processes with built-in inheritance

JM Andreoli, R Pareschi - New Generation Computing, 1991 - Springer
We present a new framework for amalgamating two successful programming paradigms:
logic programming and object-oriented programming. From the former, we keep the …

Concurrency among strangers: Programming in E as plan coordination

MS Miller, ED Tribble, J Shapiro - … , TGC 2005, Edinburgh, UK, April 7-9 …, 2005 - Springer
Programmers write programs, expressing plans for machines to execute. When composed
so that they may cooperate, plans may instead interfere with each other in unanticipated …

Object-oriented programming versus abstract data types

WR Cook - Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages: REX …, 1991 - Springer
This tutorial collects and elaborates arguments for distinguishing between object-oriented
programming and abstract data types. The basic distinction is that object-oriented …

Object-oriented logical specification of time-critical systems

A Morzenti, P San Pietro - ACM Transactions on Software Engineering …, 1994 - dl.acm.org
We define TRIO+, an object-oriented logical language for modular system specification.
TRIO+ is based on TRIO, a first-order temporal language that is well suited to the …

Type-theoretic foundations for concurrent object-oriented programing

N Kobayashi, A Yonezawa - ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 1994 - dl.acm.org
A number of attempts have been made to obtain type systems for object-oriented
programming. The view that lies common is “object-oriented programming= λ-calculus+ …

LO and behold! Concurrent structured processes

JM Andreoli, R Pareschi - ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 1990 - dl.acm.org
We introduce a novel concurrent logic programming language, which we call LO, based on
an extension of Horn logic. This language enhances the process view of objects …

Calendar logic

HJ Ohlbach, D Gabbay - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, 1998 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT A propositional temporal logic is introduced whose operators quantify over
intervals of a reference time line. The intervals are specified symbolically, for example 'next …

Ports for objects in concurrent logic programs

S Janson, J Montelius, S Haridi - 1993 - direct.mit.edu
In this paper we introduce an alternative to streams as the communication medium for object-
oriented programming in concurrent logic programming languages. This alternative will be …

[图书][B] Representing objects in a logic programming language with scoping constructs

JS Hodas, D Miller - 1990 - core.ac.uk
We present a logic programming language that uses implications and universal quantifiers
in goals and in the bodies of clauses to provide a simple scoping mechanism for program …