Survey of automatic spelling correction

D Hládek, J Staš, M Pleva - Electronics, 2020 -
Automatic spelling correction has been receiving sustained research attention. Although
each article contains a brief introduction to the topic, there is a lack of work that would …

Baran: Effective error correction via a unified context representation and transfer learning

M Mahdavi, Z Abedjan - Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 2020 -
Traditional error correction solutions leverage handmaid rules or master data to find the
correct values. Both are often amiss in real-world scenarios. Therefore, it is desirable to …

A review of shorthand systems: From brachygraphy to microtext and beyond

R Satapathy, E Cambria, A Nanetti, A Hussain - Cognitive Computation, 2020 - Springer
Human civilizations have performed the art of writing across continents and over different
time periods. In order to speed up the writing process, the art of shorthand (brachygraphy) …

Towards the natural language processing as spelling correction for offline handwritten text recognition systems

AFS Neto, BLD Bezerra, AH Toselli - Applied Sciences, 2020 -
The increasing portability of physical manuscripts to the digital environment makes it
common for systems to offer automatic mechanisms for offline Handwritten Text Recognition …

Accelerating edit-distance sequence alignment on GPU using the wavefront algorithm

Q Aguado-Puig, S Marco-Sola, JC Moure… - IEEE …, 2022 -
Sequence alignment remains a fundamental problem with practical applications ranging
from pattern recognition to computational biology. Traditional algorithms based on dynamic …

Social media text normalization for Turkish

G ERYİǦİT… - Natural Language …, 2017 -
Text normalization is an indispensable stage in processing noncanonical language from
natural sources, such as speech, social media or short text messages. Research in this field …

[PDF][PDF] Omorfi—free and open source morphological lexical database for Finnish

TA Pirinen - Proceedings of the 20th Nordic conference of …, 2015 -
This demonstration presents a freely available open source lexical database omorfi. Omorfi
is a mature lexicographical database project, started out as a single-person single-purpose …

[PDF][PDF] Rules ruling neural networks–neural vs. rule-based grammar checking for a low resource language

L Wiechetek, F Pirinen… - Recent Advances in …, 2021 -
We investigate both rule-based and machine learning methods for the task of compound
error correction and evaluate their efficiency for North Sámi, a low resource language. The …

A finite-state morphological analyser for Paraguayan Guaraní

A Kuznetsova, F Tyers - Proceedings of the First Workshop on …, 2021 -
This article describes the development of morphological analyser for Paraguayan Guaraní,
agglutinative indigenous language spoken by nearly 6 million people in South America. The …

A comparison of four character-level string-to-string translation models for (OCR) spelling error correction

S Eger, T vor der Brück… - The Prague bulletin of …, 2016 -
We consider the isolated spelling error correction problem as a specific subproblem of the
more general string-to-string translation problem. In this context, we investigate four general …