Biostimulation of Petroleum-Contaminated Soils with Synthetic and Natural Sources of NPK Fertilizer
SM Dehnavi, G Ebrahimipour - Soil and Sediment Contamination …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Soil contamination with petroleum hydrocarbons has imposed drastic damages to plant,
animal, and human life, leading to the development of various remediation technologies …
animal, and human life, leading to the development of various remediation technologies …
Biocarbón activado de pepa de persea americana, estiércol de porcino y gallinaza para la biodegradación de hidrocarburos totales de petróleo en suelos …
RA Munailla Torres, JM Rojas Llantoy - 2021 -
Describe la contaminación del suelo por hidrocarburos de petróleo F2 en un taller
mecánico. Utilizándose biocarbón activado, extraído de pepa de Persea americana y …
mecánico. Utilizándose biocarbón activado, extraído de pepa de Persea americana y …
[PDF][PDF] Optimization of biostimulants for remediation of kerosene contaminated soil using soil urease activity as indicator
OI Udemezue -
Bioremediation is the most eco-friendly means of cleaning the environment from its rampant
pollution with petroleum hydrocarbons. This work investigated the use of a combination of …
pollution with petroleum hydrocarbons. This work investigated the use of a combination of …