Human motion generation: A survey
Human motion generation aims to generate natural human pose sequences and shows
immense potential for real-world applications. Substantial progress has been made recently …
immense potential for real-world applications. Substantial progress has been made recently …
Motiongpt: Human motion as a foreign language
Though the advancement of pre-trained large language models unfolds, the exploration of
building a unified model for language and other multimodal data, such as motion, remains …
building a unified model for language and other multimodal data, such as motion, remains …
An image is worth one word: Personalizing text-to-image generation using textual inversion
Text-to-image models offer unprecedented freedom to guide creation through natural
language. Yet, it is unclear how such freedom can be exercised to generate images of …
language. Yet, it is unclear how such freedom can be exercised to generate images of …
Motiondiffuse: Text-driven human motion generation with diffusion model
Human motion modeling is important for many modern graphics applications, which typically
require professional skills. In order to remove the skill barriers for laymen, recent motion …
require professional skills. In order to remove the skill barriers for laymen, recent motion …
Generating human motion from textual descriptions with discrete representations
In this work, we investigate a simple and must-known conditional generative framework
based on Vector Quantised-Variational AutoEncoder (VQ-VAE) and Generative Pre-trained …
based on Vector Quantised-Variational AutoEncoder (VQ-VAE) and Generative Pre-trained …
Executing your commands via motion diffusion in latent space
We study a challenging task, conditional human motion generation, which produces
plausible human motion sequences according to various conditional inputs, such as action …
plausible human motion sequences according to various conditional inputs, such as action …
Edge: Editable dance generation from music
Dance is an important human art form, but creating new dances can be difficult and time-
consuming. In this work, we introduce Editable Dance GEneration (EDGE), a state-of-the-art …
consuming. In this work, we introduce Editable Dance GEneration (EDGE), a state-of-the-art …
Physdiff: Physics-guided human motion diffusion model
Denoising diffusion models hold great promise for generating diverse and realistic human
motions. However, existing motion diffusion models largely disregard the laws of physics in …
motions. However, existing motion diffusion models largely disregard the laws of physics in …
Mofusion: A framework for denoising-diffusion-based motion synthesis
Conventional methods for human motion synthesis have either been deterministic or have
had to struggle with the trade-off between motion diversity vs motion quality. In response to …
had to struggle with the trade-off between motion diversity vs motion quality. In response to …
Motionclip: Exposing human motion generation to clip space
We introduce MotionCLIP, a 3D human motion auto-encoder featuring a latent embedding
that is disentangled, well behaved, and supports highly semantic textual descriptions …
that is disentangled, well behaved, and supports highly semantic textual descriptions …