Recent inventions in additive manufacturing: Holistic review
This general review paper presents a condensed view of recent inventions in the Additive
Manufacturing (AM) field. It outlines factors affecting the development and commercialization …
Manufacturing (AM) field. It outlines factors affecting the development and commercialization …
The use of machine learning in process–structure–property modeling for material extrusion additive manufacturing: a state-of-the-art review
Since its first appearance in the 1980s, additive manufacturing has become increasingly
popular. Complex parts can be produced with high quality, minimal waste, and a variety of …
popular. Complex parts can be produced with high quality, minimal waste, and a variety of …
A survey of 3D printing technologies as applied to printed electronics
3D printing technologies (3DP) leverage the benefits of additive manufacturing across many
areas including electronics, food, medicine and optics. These technologies allow varying …
areas including electronics, food, medicine and optics. These technologies allow varying …