Managing consistent interfaces for financial instrument business objects across heterogeneous systems

J Bartelt, D Endesfelder, M Erdelmeier… - US Patent …, 2013 - Google Patents
2008-10-09 Assigned to SAP AG reassignment SAP AG ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS

Distributed wireless online access system

EM Boesjes - US Patent 9,088,964, 2015 - Google Patents
US9088964B2 - Distributed wireless online access system - Google Patents US9088964B2 -
Distributed wireless online access system - Google Patents Distributed wireless online access …

Real-time video streaming of marine life for sale

EG Roe, RJ Roe, RT Jordan - US Patent 9,875,504, 2018 - Google Patents
A method and system is provided for a merchant to display live streaming video feeds of live
items, such as marine life, for sale to a buyer through an online e-commerce website. More …

Distribution of streaming content between media players configured to locate each other

M Van Oldenborgh, M Gnirrep - US Patent 9,531,770, 2016 - Google Patents
Methods and devices are provided for receiving and trans mitting streaming content from a
production node to another device in a network. According to an exemplary embodi ment, a …

Computer-based method and system for processing a file request in response to a message received from a user mobile device

A Traasdahl - US Patent 8,565,733, 2013 - Google Patents
The invention provides a computer-based method of trans mitting a file, including receiving a
message from a user mobile device at a service computer system, determining at the server …

Technologies for streaming device role reversal

K Veeramani, R Chowdhury, U Paidipathi… - US Patent …, 2018 - Google Patents
Technologies for streaming device role reversal include a source computing device and a
destination computing device coupled via a communication channel. The source computing …

Distributed wireless online access system

EM Boesjes - US Patent 8,649,299, 2014 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method for providing wireless online access to one or more users
comprises providing online access to the users of cor responding mobile secondary wireless …

Technologies for streaming device role reversal

K Veeramani, R Chowdhury, U Paidipathi… - US Patent …, 2024 - Google Patents
Technologies for streaming device role reversal include a source computing device and a
destination computing device coupled via a communication channel. The source computing …

Computer-based method and system for processing a file request in response to a message received from a user mobile device

A Traasdahl - US Patent 9,306,884, 2016 - Google Patents
The invention provides a computer-based method of trans mitting a file, including receiving a
message from a user mobile device at a service computer system, determining at the server …

Distributed wireless online access system

EM Boesjes - US Patent 8,923,165, 2014 - Google Patents
US8923165B2 - Distributed wireless online access system - Google Patents US8923165B2 -
Distributed wireless online access system - Google Patents Distributed wireless online access …