[图书][B] Ways of knowing donsoya: Environment, embodiment and perception among the hunters of Burkina Faso

L Ferrarini - 2014 - search.proquest.com
This thesis is centred on a group of initiated donso hunters in Burkina Faso. It proposes an
ecological approach to their knowledge to make sense of the presence of donso hunters …

Documentary as co-creative practice: From Challenge for Change to Highrise–Kat Cizek in conversation with Mandy Rose

A Wiehl - I-Docs: The Evolving Practices of Interactive …, 2017 - degruyter.com
Kat Cizek was recruited by the National Film Board of Canada in 2004 as Filmmaker-in-
Residence, with a brief to reinvent the influential NFB project Challenge for Change which …

Native, Emergent, and Feral Transmedia Storyworlds

K Moloney - Transmedia Change, 2022 - taylorfrancis.com
Transmedia storytelling has been viewed as both a recent phenomenon and as an act of
design. This perspective arguably originates with Henry Jenkins' description of transmedia …

Capítulo 2. Docuweb: narrativas para un nuevo género periodístico

SMM Arias, RG Arroyo… - Espejo de …, 2023 - espejodemonografias …
Storytelling y periodismo son dos conceptos que están firmemente unidos en el nuevo
espacio de comunicación en la red. El periodista tiene que analizar con detalle no sólo el …

Reconfiguring Archives in Interactive Documentaries: From Interactive and Intermedial Experiences to Networked Archival Imaginaries

P Nogueira, AS Almeida - Interactive Film & Media …, 2022 - journals.library.torontomu.ca
Besides presenting a creative account of reality as a digital format, the interactive
documentary plays with the interconnectedness of intermediality by assembling various …

Storyworlds and Reference Worlds

K Moloney - Transmedia Change: Pedagogy and Practice for …, 2022 - books.google.com
At the core of transmedia storytelling is the concept of a storyworld, or the collection of
characters in the story and the complex world in which they live, love, and clash. The …

[HTML][HTML] Periodismo en red: acción y reflexión

SMM Arias, RG Arroyo, SM Muñoz - espejodemonografias …
La aparición del género periodístico docuweb ha dado como resultado una manera distinta
de contar historias, en la que el espectador se convierte en creador de su propia línea …

[PDF][PDF] Interaktivita ve webových multimediálních dokumentech

BK Kusáková - is.muni.cz
Anotace Tématem předkládané práce je strukturalistická analýza takzvaných interaktivních
dokumentů, které jsou svým divákům/uživatelům prezentovány skrz webové rozhraní. Práce …

Interactive Audiences: Viewers/Users' Engagement in National Film Board of Canada's Interactive Documentaries

PN da Silva - 2018 - search.proquest.com
This thesis explores the audience's engagement and perceptual experience of interacting
with interactive documentaries. The aim is contributing to a discussion about how …

Interactive online content: exploring the path to creating engaging interactive documentaries

J Williams - 2015 - opal.latrobe.edu.au
Submission note: A thesis submitted in total fulfilment of the requirements for Master of Arts
(Research)–by creative work (creative work and exegesis) to the Department of …