[图书][B] A citizen's guide to presidential nominations: the competition for leadership

WP Steger - 2015 - taylorfrancis.com
Presidential nominations in the United States can sometimes seem like a media circus, over-
hyped and overly speculative. Even informed citizens might be tempted to tune them out. Yet …

[图书][B] Strategic decision-making in presidential nominations: When and why party elites decide to support a candidate

KJ Whitby - 2014 - books.google.com
Seeks to understand and explain the behavior of party elites during the 2008 Democratic
Party presidential race. What is the dominant force in presidential nomination campaigns …

The comeback kid: Donald Trump on election day in 2016

SC McKee, DA Smith, MVT Hood III - PS: Political Science & Politics, 2019 - cambridge.org
The surprise outcome of the 2016 presidential election continues to raise more questions as
experts grapple with the evidence for why most prognosticators considered a Hillary Clinton …

The importance of being early: Presidential primary front-loading and the impact of the proposed western regional primary

TN Ridout, B Rottinghaus - PS: Political Science & Politics, 2008 - cambridge.org
Every state wants to be “the” state that selects the next president. Every state wants the
attention of the presidential candidates and wants its voters to have a say in the presidential …

[图书][B] Policy, valence, and identity: Voter decisionmaking in primaries and non-partisan elections

SR Kasdin - 2009 - search.proquest.com
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara Policy, Valence, and Identity: Voter
Decisionmaking in Primaries and Non-Partisan Electio Page 1 UNIVERSITY OF …

[图书][B] We Report, We Decide: Pre-primary Presidential Campaigns in the New Media Landscape

MR Shor - 2023 - search.proquest.com
Although it began with two messier election cycles in 1972 and 1976, the contemporary
presidential nomination system of binding delegates in public voting contests evinced …

Reforming the Presidential Primary System: The Voter Turnout Initiative

H Frederick - PS: Political Science & Politics, 2012 - cambridge.org
Reforming the Presidential Primary System: The Voter Turnout Initiative Page 1 Reforming the
Presidential Primary System: The Voter Turnout Initiative Heather Frederick, Slippery Rock …

Run for your life: Spectacle primaries and the success of'failed'primary candidates

SP McKinley - 2013 - search.proquest.com
This thesis qualitatively examines the personal career outcomes of major presidential
primary candidates from 1976-2008. It argues that the primary process fundamentally …

The Role of Identity in the Assessment of Public Figures

S Kasdin - APSA 2012 Annual Meeting Paper, 2012 - papers.ssrn.com
The argument in this project is that a candidate's expected political positions can be inferred
from the different elements of the candidate's social group-based identity. It is distinguished …