E-book of metacognitive learning strategies: design and implementation to activate student's self-regulation

E Susantini, RP Puspitawati, Raharjo… - Research and Practice in …, 2021 - Springer
ICT-based learning provides opportunities for teachers and students to learn digitally, as
well as letting the students become autonomous learners. One of the efforts to actualize …

Combination of Discovery Learning and Metacognitive Knowledge Strategy to Enhance Students' Critical Thinking Skills.

E Nusantari, A Abdul, I Damopolii, ASR Alghafri… - European Journal of …, 2021 - ERIC
The research aims to develop an instructional tool based on Discovery Learning (DL)
combined with a Metacognitive Knowledge Strategy (MKS) to enhance students' Critical …

Enabling Indonesian Pre-Service Teachers to Design Biology Learning Tools Using Metacognitive Strategy

E Susantini, S Indana, I Isnawati… - Jurnal Pendidikan IPA …, 2019 - journal.unnes.ac.id
Pre-service biology teachers are required to be able to design innovative learning tools,
which include lesson plans, student worksheets, and assessment. Metacognitive strategy …

E-book of metacognitive learning strategies: design and implementation to activate student's self-regulation

S Endang, PR Pratiwi… - Research and Practice in …, 2021 - search.proquest.com
ICT-based learning provides opportunities for teachers and students to learn digitally, as
well as letting the students become autonomous learners. One of the efforts to actualize …

Metacognitive strategies to train creative thinking skills in creating media for learning

M Safitri, S Kuntjoro - Mathematics, Informatics, Science, and …, 2018 - atlantis-press.com
Students' creative thinking skill is still found to be low. One strategy to train creative thinking
skill is metacognitive strategies. In this strategy, students are trained to monitor their own …

Metacognitive Skills of Pupils in Primary Mathematics Education

E Nováková - Revija za Elementarno Izobrazevanje, 2024 - search.proquest.com
V izobraževalni teoriji in raziskavah se metakognicija vedno bolj obravnava kot pomemben
napovednik uspešnega učenja-je ključ do učenja in akademskih dosežkov. Študija …

Integrating Local Wisdom and Character Education in Biology Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic

K Hadi, E Susantini, S Kunjtoro - KnE Social Sciences, 2023 - knepublishing.com
Cultural and character issues are problems that must be resolved through education,
namely the learning process. Learning today is a shift from traditional learning to online …

[PDF][PDF] European Journal of Educational Research

E Nusantari, ASR Alghafri, BS Bakkar - European Journal of …, 2021 - pdf.eu-jer.com
The research aims to develop an instructional tool based on Discovery Learning (DL)
combined with a Metacognitive Knowledge Strategy (MKS) to enhance students' Critical …

SMARTS Programme and Pupils' Metacognitive Abilities-A Pilot Study

I Kovalčíková, I Martinková - The New Educational Review, 2022 - cejsh.icm.edu.pl
The presented paper focuses on the impact of intervention with the application of the
SMARTS program on students' metacognitive abilities. The metacognitive program …


CE Cabresos, ERJ Magday - saarj.com
The study investigated the effects of Metacognitive Learning Strategy (MLS) onstudents'
engagement in science of MalinaoHigh School, Malinao, Banisilan, Cotabato, Philippines. A …