The impact of role models on entrepreneurial intentions and behavior: a review of the literature

A Abbasianchavari, A Moritz - Management Review Quarterly, 2021 - Springer
Despite the presence of the term 'entrepreneurial role model'(ERM) in the discourse on
entrepreneurship, existing empirical evidence on the effects of role models is rather limited …

Gender and entrepreneurship: a review and process model

DM Sullivan, WR Meek - Journal of managerial psychology, 2012 -
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to review the literature on gender, and specifically,
women and entrepreneurship as well as present a process model of gender and …

Entrepreneurship education programmes: How learning, inspiration and resources affect intentions for new venture creation in a developing economy

T Ahmed, VGR Chandran, JE Klobas, F Liñán… - … International Journal of …, 2020 - Elsevier
This paper develops and tests a model of pathways between participation in
entrepreneurship education programmes (EEPs) and entrepreneurial intention. EEPs are …

Impact of personality traits and entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intentions of business and engineering students

AI Vodă, N Florea - Sustainability, 2019 -
Entrepreneurs bring an enormous contribution to a country's economic growth. Developing
individual's interest into new venture creation represents an important asset, especially for …

The impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial attitudes and intention: Hysteresis and persistence

A Fayolle, B Gailly - Journal of small business management, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
Do entrepreneurship education programs (EEPs) really influence participants' attitudes and
intention toward entrepreneurship? How is this influence related to past experience and how …

Entrepreneurial motivation and self-employment: evidence from expectancy theory

V Barba-Sánchez, C Atienza-Sahuquillo - … and Management Journal, 2017 - Springer
One effect of the economic crisis on the business world has been the drastic reduction in
staff and this in turn highlights the need for self-employment and the creation of new …

The role of entrepreneurship education as a predictor of university students' entrepreneurial intention

Y Zhang, G Duysters, M Cloodt - International entrepreneurship and …, 2014 - Springer
Using Ajzen's theory of planned behavior and Shapero's entrepreneurial event model as
well as entrepreneurial cognition theory, we attempt to identify the relationship between …

The moderating role of entrepreneurship education on the antecedents of entrepreneurial intention

M Entrialgo, V Iglesias - International entrepreneurship and management …, 2016 - Springer
A considerable agreement exists about the importance of promoting entrepreneurship to
stimulate economic development. In particular, recent research has paid considerable …

Regional variations in entrepreneurial cognitions: Start-up intentions of university students in Spain

F Liñán, D Urbano, M Guerrero - Entrepreneurship and regional …, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
Empirical research has recently paid considerable attention to the role of environmental
factors in explaining regional variations in entrepreneurial activity. However, cognitive …

Revisiting entrepreneurial intentions: a social cognitive career theory approach

EW Liguori, JS Bendickson, WC McDowell - … and Management Journal, 2018 - Springer
This manuscript expands upon the extant knowledge of self-efficacy by applying social
cognitive career theory (SCCT) to entrepreneurship, positing that it is a robust theoretical …