[HTML][HTML] Analyzing three pillars of sustainable development goals at sub-national scales within the USA

RD Mangukiya, DM Sklarew - World Development Sustainability, 2023 - Elsevier
America is a paradox: one of the world's economically leading countries, lagging in
sustainable development (SD). Drawing on many studies, the problems caused by …

Intensive point‐of‐care ultrasound training with long‐term follow‐up in a cohort of Rwandan physicians

PC Henwood, DC Mackenzie… - Tropical Medicine & …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Objective We delivered a point‐of‐care ultrasound training programme in a resource‐limited
setting in Rwanda, and sought to determine participants' knowledge and skill retention. We …

The role of leadership in people-centred health systems: a sub-national study in The Gambia

S Chigudu, M Jasseh, U d'Alessandro… - Health policy and …, 2018 - academic.oup.com
Recently, increasing attention has been given to behavioural and relational aspects of the
people who both define and shape health systems, placing them at the core. A growing …

Challenges and coping strategies of orphaned children in Tanzania who are not adequately cared for by adults

M Daniel, A Mathias - African Journal of AIDS Research, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
Orphaned children in poor rural communities sometimes have no adult who is able to care
for them or else the adult caregiver is not able to provide adequate care. Tanzania remains …

Strategic, Value‐Based Delivery in Global Health Care: Innovations at Harvard University and Brigham and Women's Hospital

RL Weintraub, J Talbot, K ole‐MoiYoi… - Mount Sinai Journal …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Investments in global health have more than doubled over the past decade, generating a
cadre of new institutions. To date, most of the funded research in global health has focused …

Millennium Development Goals in Nicaragua: analysing progress, social inequalities, and community actions

W Pérez - 2012 - diva-portal.org
Millennium Development Goals in Nicaragua : Analysing progress, social inequalities, and
community actions diva-portal.org Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet Simple search Advanced …

Afrikanische Entwicklungstrends: auch Subsahara-Afrika könnte die Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) erreichen

M Loewe - 2010 - econstor.eu
Vor zehn Jahren haben die Vereinten Nationen (VN) acht Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) mit 21 Unterzielen formuliert, die konkrete Fortschritte bei Armutsbekämpfung …

Conclusion and policy implications

A Shepherd - Chronic poverty: Concepts, causes and policy, 2013 - Springer
This book, and the research centre on which it is based, is unashamed about 'upping the
stakes' in global and national debates on poverty. The origin of the Chronic Poverty …

The Relationship Between Economic and Non-Economic Aspects of Sustainable Development at Sub-National Scales Within the United States of America

R Mangukiya - 2020 - search.proquest.com
Is economic development key to the United States achieving UN Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs)? The present study evaluated the SD at sub-national scales–across all states …

African Developments: Sub-Saharan Africa, too, could achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

M Loewe - 2010 - econstor.eu
2010 has been an important year for Africa. It marked the 50th anniversary of independence
for 17 African countries and the 10th anniversary of the Millennium Declaration. It has also …