Tension and constraints on modified gravity parametrizations of from growth rate and Planck data

S Nesseris, G Pantazis, L Perivolaropoulos - Physical Review D, 2017 - APS
We construct an updated and extended compilation of growth-rate data based on recent
redshift-space distortion measurements. The data set consists of 34 data points and includes …

Constraints on the coupling between dark energy and dark matter from CMB data

R Murgia, S Gariazzo, N Fornengo - Journal of Cosmology and …, 2016 - iopscience.iop.org
We investigate a phenomenological non-gravitational coupling between dark energy and
dark matter, where the interaction in the dark sector is parameterized as an energy transfer …

Disformal couplings and the dark sector of the universe

C van de Bruck, J Morrice - Journal of Cosmology and …, 2015 - iopscience.iop.org
Interactions between dark matter and dark energy, allowing both conformal and and
disformal couplings, are studied in detail. We discuss the background evolution …

Cosmological discordances: A new measure, marginalization effects, and application to geometry versus growth current data sets

W Lin, M Ishak - Physical Review D, 2017 - APS
The continuous progress toward more precise cosmological surveys and experiments has
galvanized recent interest into consistency tests on cosmological parameters and models. At …

Phenomenological models of dark energy interacting with dark matter

N Tamanini - Physical Review D, 2015 - APS
An interaction between dark matter and dark energy is usually introduced by a
phenomenological modification of the matter conservation equations, while the Einstein …

Bouncing cosmologies with dark matter and dark energy

YF Cai, A Marciano, DG Wang, E Wilson-Ewing - Universe, 2016 - mdpi.com
We review matter bounce scenarios where the matter content is dark matter and dark
energy. These cosmologies predict a nearly scale-invariant power spectrum with a slightly …

Cosmological constraints on coupled dark energy

W Yang, H Li, Y Wu, J Lu - Journal of Cosmology and …, 2016 - iopscience.iop.org
The coupled dark energy model provides a possible approach to mitigate the coincidence
problem of cosmological standard model. Here, the coupling term is assumed as bar Q= 3Hξ …

Interacting 3-form dark energy models: Distinguishing interactions and avoiding the Little Sibling of the Big Rip

J Morais, M Bouhmadi-López, KS Kumar… - Physics of the Dark …, 2017 - Elsevier
In this paper we consider 3-form dark energy (DE) models with interactions in the dark
sector. We aim to distinguish the phenomenological interactions that are defined through the …

Distinguishing interacting dark energy from wCDM with CMB, lensing, and baryon acoustic oscillation data

J Väliviita, E Palmgren - Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle …, 2015 - iopscience.iop.org
We employ the Planck 2013 CMB temperature anisotropy and lensing data, and baryon
acoustic oscillation (BAO) data to constrain a phenomenological wCDM model, where dark …

Probing the imprint of interacting dark energy on very large scales

DGA Duniya, D Bertacca, R Maartens - Physical Review D, 2015 - APS
The observed galaxy power spectrum acquires relativistic corrections from light-cone effects,
and these corrections grow on very large scales. Future galaxy surveys in optical, infrared …