Новые войны-старая этика

Н Афанасов - Философско-литературный журнал «Логос», 2019 - cyberleninka.ru
Феномен «новых войн», возникший во второй половине XX века, изменил привычную
парадигму мышления о военных конфликтах, поставив под вопрос актуальность …

[图书][B] American War Stories

BM Boyle - 2020 - books.google.com
American War Stories asks readers to contemplate what traditionally constitutes a “war story”
and how that constitution obscures the normalization of militarism in American culture. The …

[PDF][PDF] A game (simulation) is a game (interactive technology) is a game (lifestyle) is a game (live archive): An Introduction

M Mayar - Editors, 2018 - interamerica.de
In the post-9/11 world, critics and advocates of the so-called preemptive war have resorted
to video games as a metaphor, or at least a motif, to reach opposing ends. The virtual world …