Assembly of arrays on chips segmented from wafers

H Huang, C Chau - US Patent App. 11/018,521, 2005 - Google Patents
0001. This application is a continuation-in-part of Inter national Application Serial No.
PCT/US01/20179, filed Jun. 21, 2001 which claims priority for US Provisional Appli cation …

Integrated fluidics devices with magnetic sorting

H Soh, BS Ferguson, Y Zhang… - US Patent App. 12 …, 2008 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND 0002 Sorting cells based on their surface markers is an important capability
in biology and medicine. Magnetic cell sorting techniques allow rapid selection of a large …

Multianalyte molecular analysis using application-specific random particle arrays

S Banerjee, M Seul, AX Li, K Podual… - US Patent …, 2011 - Google Patents
The present invention provides methods and apparatus for the application of a particle array
in bioassay format to perform qualitative and/or quantitative molecular interaction analysis …

Creation of functionalized microparticle libraries by oligonucleotide ligation or elongation

S Banerjee, J Yang, M Seul - US Patent 8,486,629, 2013 - Google Patents
Disclosed are methods of for constructing a bead-displayed library of oligonucleotide probes
(or sequence-modified capture moieties such as protein-nucleic acid conjugates) by ligation …

Sheath flow devices and methods

P Pagano, Y Zhang, JK Qian, HT Soh… - US Patent …, 2012 - Google Patents
The invention relates generally to fluid processing and, in particular aspects, processing
fluids for detection, selection, trapping and/or sorting of particulate moieties. Sheath flow …

Magnetic separation system with pre and post processing modules

DA Chang-Yen, J Darabi, Y Zhang… - US Patent App. 12 …, 2011 - Google Patents
A system for sorting and trapping magnetic target species includes a microfluidic chamber
designed to receive and then temporarily hold magnetic particles in place within the module …

Trapping magnetic sorting system for target species

DA Chang-Yen, J Darabi, Y Zhang, HT Soh, P Pagano - 2009 - Google Patents

Density-based methods for separation of materials, monitoring of solid supported reactions and measuring densities of small liquid volumes and solids

ST Phillips, GM Whitesides, KA Mirica… - US Patent …, 2017 - Google Patents
The ability to levitate, to separate, and to detect changes in density using diamagnetic
particles Suspended in Solutions containing paramagnetic cations using an …

Microfluidic magnetophoretic device and methods for using the same

SH Oh, AK Singh, Y Zhang, D Nawarathna… - US Patent …, 2011 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A microfluidic device may employ one or more sorting sta tions for
separating target species from other species in a sample. The separation is driven by …

Un-supported polymeric film with embedded microbeads

M Seul, S Banerjee, K Podual, Y Hong - US Patent 9,436,088, 2016 - Google Patents
The present invention relates to polymer-bead composites having a single layer planar,
crystalline assembly of encoded beads embedded in a hydrophilic polymeric matrix. The …