Budget ratcheting in museums

N Sandalgaard, PN Bukh - Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & …, 2023 - emerald.com
Purpose This study focuses on ratcheting and budget behavior in nonprofit museums.
Specifically, the authors examine how performance compared with the budget affects future …

Internalisasi Budaya Jawa dalam Tahapan Penganggaran

S Sonhaji, D Djuharni, NA Azis… - Jurnal Akuntansi …, 2022 - jamal.ub.ac.id
Akuntansi Multiparadigma Home About Login Register Search Current Archives …

[PDF][PDF] An accounting review of regional and central budgeting dynamics in Indonesia

E Herianti, A Marundha… - Journal of …, 2024 - repository.ubharajaya.ac.id
This research aims to assess the impact of bargaining power on budget implementation
while also considering the deviation in capital expenditure as a moderating factor. The …

[PDF][PDF] Can budget ratcheting moderate the relationship between financial performance and capital expenditures

M Laisa Liza - Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing, 2023 - researchgate.net
Budget ratcheting can serve as a moderator the relationship between financial performance
and capital expenditure since it can help the government to control spending related to …

Research on Management Accounting Framework and Quantitative Correlation Based on Hall Three‐Dimensional Structure

Y Sun, G Yu, C Zeng - Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
The management accounting framework aims to improve the operation control ability. It is
the integration of the comprehensive use of management accounting tools. Given the lack of …

[HTML][HTML] Zero-Based Budget in Restrictive Contexts: Work Methodology Applying Fuzzy Logic for SMEs

KAL Altamirano, RAM Romero, MA Ferrer… - Russian Law …, 2023 - cyberleninka.ru
Purpose: The objective of the research is proposed a methodology to prepare a Zero-Based
Budget (ZBB) for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Ecuador, applying fuzzy …

Analisis Kontrak Pengelolaan Dana Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah Saat Pemilukada

R Rusdianto, D Amalia, G Misti, I Shofiyah - InFestasi, 2023 - journal.trunojoyo.ac.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji penggunaan kontrak pengelolaan dana di
Indonesia dengan menggunakan belanja daerah pada Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja …

[PDF][PDF] Evaluation of Budget Implementation in the Municipality: A Case of the City of Tshwane

J Malepe - 2022 - univendspace.univen.ac.za
The objective of the study is to evaluate the budget implementation plan in the municipality
in accordance with the required budgeting processes. Municipalities are frequently none …

Kecenderungan Perilaku Narsis pada Penganggaran di Perguruan Tinggi

L Apriani - EXERO: Journal of Research in Business and …, 2023 - e-journal.usd.ac.id
Dalam lingkup perusahaan, anggaran memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam
mengendalikan dan mengalokasikan sumber daya finansial. Senjangan anggaran …

Buku Monograf BUMDesku Modern

A Abdurohim - 2022 - repository.penerbiteureka.com
Abstract Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUM DESA) KU haruslah MODERN, sehingga mampu
menggerakan perekonomian pedesaan, mampu melakukan perubahan peradaban di Desa …