Exploiting the ground-truth: An adversarial imitation based knowledge distillation approach for event detection
The ambiguity in language expressions poses a great challenge for event detection. To
disambiguate event types, current approaches rely on external NLP toolkits to build …
disambiguate event types, current approaches rely on external NLP toolkits to build …
Encoding conversation context for neural keyphrase extraction from microblog posts
Existing keyphrase extraction methods suffer from data sparsity problem when they are
conducted on short and informal texts, especially microblog messages. Enriching context is …
conducted on short and informal texts, especially microblog messages. Enriching context is …
Enhancing N-Gram based metrics with semantics for better evaluation of abstractive text summarization
Text summarization is an important task in natural language processing and it has been
applied in many applications. Recently, abstractive summarization has attracted many …
applied in many applications. Recently, abstractive summarization has attracted many …
Graph convolution over multiple latent context-aware graph structures for event detection
Event detection is a particularly challenging problem in information extraction. The current
neural network models have proved that dependency tree can better capture the correlation …
neural network models have proved that dependency tree can better capture the correlation …
Extracting fine-grained economic events from business news
Based on a recently developed fine-grained event extraction dataset for the economic
domain, we present in a pilot study for supervised economic event extraction. We investigate …
domain, we present in a pilot study for supervised economic event extraction. We investigate …
A new mashup based method for event detection from social media
Some events, such as terrorism attacks, earthquakes, and other events that represent tipping
points, remain engraved in our memories. Today, through social media, researchers attempt …
points, remain engraved in our memories. Today, through social media, researchers attempt …
Joint modeling of characters, words, and conversation contexts for microblog keyphrase extraction
Millions of messages are produced on microblog platforms every day, leading to the
pressing need for automatic identification of key points from the massive texts. To absorb …
pressing need for automatic identification of key points from the massive texts. To absorb …
[PDF][PDF] 基于关键词的学术文本聚类集成研究
张颖怡, 章成志, 陈果 - 情报学报, 2019 - qbxb.istic.ac.cn
摘要文本聚类是一种无监督且高效的文本类别划分方法. 从文本中抽取的关键词代表了文本主旨
内容, 基于关键词的文本聚类是当下主流方式之一. 在学术文本聚类研究中, 主要使用单一的聚类 …
内容, 基于关键词的文本聚类是当下主流方式之一. 在学术文本聚类研究中, 主要使用单一的聚类 …
Robustness analysis on graph neural networks model for event detection
H Wei, H Zhu, J Wu, K Xiao, H Huang - Applied Sciences, 2022 - mdpi.com
Event Detection (ED), which aims to identify trigger words from the given text and classify
them into corresponding event types, is an important task in Natural Language Processing …
them into corresponding event types, is an important task in Natural Language Processing …
An integrated event summarization approach for complex system management
L Yang, N Yang - IEEE Transactions on Network and Service …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Event mining is a useful way to understand computer system behaviors. The focus of recent
works on event mining has been shifted to event summarization from discovering frequent …
works on event mining has been shifted to event summarization from discovering frequent …