Dispentation of Underage Marriage in Islamic Societies in Parepare City (Case Study at parepare Class 1B Religious Court 2022)

M Khairul, M Jafar, MJH Isa - MARITAL_HKI, 2023 - ejurnal.iainpare.ac.id
According to fuqoha and jurists, they agreed to stipulate that people who are mature enough
will be held accountable for each and have the freedom to determine their lives. By referring …

Perempuan di tengah konflik dan upaya membangun perdamaian yang berkelanjutan di masa pandemi Covid-19

JS Hutabarat, G Krismonika, E Lofa - Jurnal Lemhannas RI, 2020 - jurnal.lemhannas.go.id
Pandemi COVID-19 masih berlangsung hingga saat ini memberikan dampak pada banyak
sektor kehidupan, tidak terkecuali sektor ekonomi. Ekonomi menjadi masalah pelik yang …

Children's Social and Emotional Development in Islamic Perspective

S Gumiandari, S Selamet… - Journal of Islam and …, 2021 - journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id
Anti-social behaviors in children is now common. Aggressive behavior, bullying,
egocentrism, fighting, prejudice and so on indicate the failure of parenting and teacher …

Analisis Pola Asuh Orang Tua Di Kelompok A Tk Ikal Dolog Banda Aceh

F Hayati, Y Susanti - Jurnal Buah Hati, 2018 - ejournal.bbg.ac.id
Parenting is a pattern of interaction between parents and children, about how the parents
attitudes or behaviour while interacting with the children, including how to apply the rules, to …

Mediation Guidance In Avoiding Divorce In Parepare City Religious Courts (Islamic Counseling Guidance Perspectives)

N Nasriah, AR Makkulau, WA Anwar - MARITAL_HKI, 2023 - ejurnal.iainpare.ac.id
Abstract The Parepare Religious Court has its own meaning in the Mediation Guide, in the
mediation orientation process, the Parepare Religious Court refers to Supreme Court …

The gratitude training to enhance the psychological well-being among adolescents with single parents

N Halleyda, M Japar - Humanitas: Indonesian Psychological …, 2023 - journal1.uad.ac.id
Psychological well-being is an important component for adolescents. This research
examined the influence of gratitude training to enhance the psychological well-being of …


SM Maslahah, LS Isnaini… - Al-ATHFAL: Jurnal …, 2023 - jurnal.staim-probolinggo.ac.id
Pendidikan awaluntuk anak adalah dari lingkungan keluarganya sendiri. apa yang harus
dan tidak harus dilakukan, dan apa yang pantas dan tidak pantas untuk dilakukan, dan nilai …

Dampak Perselingkuhan Orang Tua Terhadap Perilaku Sosial Anak (Studi Kasus Kecamatan Cepogo Kabupaten Boyolali)

RI Prasidarini, M Arifin - Al-Mabsut: Jurnal Studi Islam dan …, 2024 - ejournal.iaingawi.ac.id
This research was motivated by the writer's concern regarding the impact of social behavior
on children who commit infedelity in Cepogo District, Boyolali Regency. The aim of this …

Gambaran Sosial-Emosional pada Masa Kanak-Kanak Madya dengan Orang Tua yang Bercerai

BA Yustisia, YW Satwika - Character Jurnal Penelitian …, 2023 - ejournal.unesa.ac.id
Selama berada pada masa kanak-kanak pertengahan dan akhir, anak akan mengalami
banyak perubahan dalam hal sosial-emosionalnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk …

Pengambilan Keputusan Bercerai pada Pasangan Suamiistri

WB Pratiwi, S Taufik - 2020 - eprints.ums.ac.id
The purpose of this study is to explain how the decision process for divorce between
husband and wife can occur. This research was conducted on six informants who were three …