Citizen participation in the governance of nature‐based solutions

B Kiss, F Sekulova, K Hörschelmann… - Environmental Policy …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
The last half‐a‐century has seen a marked demand for authentic citizen participation in
public policy‐and decision‐making, not least in the field of sustainability. The depth and …

[PDF][PDF] Beyond the nation-state and its units of analysis: Towards a new research agenda for migration studies

NG Schiller - Conceptsand Methods, 2007 -
The methodological nationalism of many migration scholars precludes them from accurately
describing the transnational social fields of unequal power that are integral to the migrant …

[图书][B] What is Citizenship?

R Lister, R Lister - 1997 - Springer
The question 'what is citizenship?'is not an easy one to answer in any definitive way. This is
partly because it incorporates a number of different elements, reflecting two major political …

[引用][C] Conceiving Cosmopolitanism: Theory, Context, and Practice

S Vertovec - 2002 -
Understanding the ancient and long sidelined concept of cosmopolitanism has suddenly
found a fresh impetus and urgency. Globalization, international migration, multiculturalism …

[图书][B] Heritage, communities and archaeology

L Smith, E Waterton - 2013 -
This book traces the development of'community archaeology', identifying both its
advantages and disadvantages by describing how and why tensions have arisen between …

Key concepts in migration

D Bartram - 2014 -
KEY CONCEPTS IN MIGRATION Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Recent volumes include: Key Concepts
in Sociology Peter Braham Key Concepts in Youth Studies Mark Cieslik and Donald Simpson …

Contested states in world politics

D Geldenhuys - 2009 - Springer
Alluding to his involvement in the developing world, former President Bill Clinton quipped:'I
like working on it because it's not a particularly sexy topic'. 1 Among scholars in international …

Studying public policy through immigration policy: advances in theory and measurement

A Filindra, SW Goodman - Policy Studies Journal, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
This essay provides a critical review of the field of immigration policy studies from the
perspective of measurement and modeling. It serves to contextualize and broaden the views …

[图书][B] The sociology of architecture: Constructing identities

P Jones - 2011 -
States have long been active in commissioning architecture, which affords one way to
embed political projects within socially meaningful cultural forms. Such state-led architecture …

[图书][B] Enfoques para el análisis político: historia, epistemología y perspectivas de la ciencia política

R Losada, AC Casas - 2008 -
Enfoques para el análisis político se presenta como un estudio comparado de veinte
perspectivas actualmente en uso por parte de la ciencia política, para acercarse a …