Interactive recommender systems: A survey of the state of the art and future research challenges and opportunities
Recommender systems have been researched extensively over the past decades. Whereas
several algorithms have been developed and deployed in various application domains …
several algorithms have been developed and deployed in various application domains …
Interacting with recommenders—overview and research directions
Automated recommendations have become a ubiquitous part of today's online user
experience. These systems point us to additional items to purchase in online shops, they …
experience. These systems point us to additional items to purchase in online shops, they …
Large language models for generative recommendation: A survey and visionary discussions
Recent years have witnessed the wide adoption of large language models (LLM) in different
fields, especially natural language processing and computer vision. Such a trend can also …
fields, especially natural language processing and computer vision. Such a trend can also …
A survey on trustworthy recommender systems
Recommender systems (RS), serving at the forefront of Human-centered AI, are widely
deployed in almost every corner of the web and facilitate the human decision-making …
deployed in almost every corner of the web and facilitate the human decision-making …
Procedural justice in algorithmic fairness: Leveraging transparency and outcome control for fair algorithmic mediation
As algorithms increasingly take managerial and governance roles, it is ever more important
to build them to be perceived as fair and adopted by people. With this goal, we propose a …
to build them to be perceived as fair and adopted by people. With this goal, we propose a …
Personalizing content moderation on social media: User perspectives on moderation choices, interface design, and labor
Social media platforms moderate content for each user by incorporating the outputs of both
platform-wide content moderation systems and, in some cases, user-configured personal …
platform-wide content moderation systems and, in some cases, user-configured personal …
Exploring and promoting diagnostic transparency and explainability in online symptom checkers
Online symptom checkers (OSC) are widely used intelligent systems in health contexts such
as primary care, remote healthcare, and epidemic control. OSCs use algorithms such as …
as primary care, remote healthcare, and epidemic control. OSCs use algorithms such as …
AI in education, learner control, and human-AI collaboration
P Brusilovsky - International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in …, 2024 - Springer
User control and human-AI collaboration are two related directions of research in the
modern stream of work on human-centered AI. The field of AI in education was an early …
modern stream of work on human-centered AI. The field of AI in education was an early …
Designing for the better by taking users into account: A qualitative evaluation of user control mechanisms in (news) recommender systems
Recommender systems (RS) are on the rise in many domains. While they offer great
promises, they also raise concerns: lack of transparency, reduction of diversity, little to no …
promises, they also raise concerns: lack of transparency, reduction of diversity, little to no …
The effects of controllability and explainability in a social recommender system
CH Tsai, P Brusilovsky - User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 2021 - Springer
In recent years, researchers in the field of recommender systems have explored a range of
advanced interfaces to improve user interactions with recommender systems. Some of the …
advanced interfaces to improve user interactions with recommender systems. Some of the …