Synthesis and characterization of Ag-containing hydrophobic aluminosilicate aerogels for I2 capture

JW Lee, SM Hong, JH Lee, YZ Cho - Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2021 - Elsevier
Ag-containing 1 hydrophobic aluminosilicate aerogels capable of capturing I 2 were
prepared by sol-gelation from Na, Al, and Si alkoxides using co-solvent exchange, Ag/Na …

Management of carbon dioxide released from spent nuclear fuel through voloxidation

SM Hong, H Jang, S Noh, HW Kang, YZ Cho - Journal of Radioanalytical …, 2021 - Springer
The management of radioactive carbon (C-14) from spent nuclear fuel (SNF) in a
voloxidation process is vital to prevent radioactive contamination of the environment. Thus, a …

Electrochemical Behavior of CsI in LiCl Molten Salt

SW Kim, SK Lee, MK Jeon… - Science and Technology …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
The electrochemical behavior of CsI in LiCl molten salt was investigated to identify its impact
on the electrolytic oxide reduction of oxide‐phase spent nuclear fuels by combined …

Immobilization of iodine waste in B2O3–Bi2O3–ZnO based materials: maximum solid solubility

G Wei, B Li, J Yang, Z Zhang, X Shu, W Yuan… - … of Radioanalytical and …, 2020 - Springer
Maximum solid solubility is a key parameter for nuclear waste immobilization. In this study,
the maximum solid solubility of AgI in B 2 O 3–Bi 2 O 3–ZnO based materials has been …

Localization of Vapors of Cesium Iodide on Ceramic Block-Cellular Contact Elements in an Oxidizing Environment

MD Gasparyan, VN Grunskii, YS Mochalov… - … of Chemical Engineering, 2023 - Springer
The efficiency of separate trapping of cesium oxide and molecular iodine formed during
oxidative thermolysis of cesium iodide in the process of chemisorption on ceramic highly …

Локализация паров иодида цезия на керамических блочно-ячеистых контактных элементах в окислительной среде

МД Гаспарян, ВН Грунский… - Teoretičeskie …, 2023 -
Исследована эффективность раздельного улавливания оксида цезия и молекулярного
иода, образующихся при окислительном термолизе иодида цезия, в процессе …

Electrochemical Behavior of CsI in LiCl Molten Salt

K Sung-Wook, L Sang-Kwon, MK Jeon… - … and Technology of …, 2020 -
The electrochemical behavior of CsI in LiCl molten salt was investigated to identify its impact
on the electrolytic oxide reduction of oxide-phase spent nuclear fuels by combined …