A flexible configuration method of distributed manufacturing resources in the context of social manufacturing
Y Zhang, D Tang, H Zhu, S Li, Q Nie - Computers in Industry, 2021 - Elsevier
Under the influence of Industry 4.0, manufacturing resources (MRs) across regions and
enterprises realize ubiquitous interconnection and real-time data acquisition via …
enterprises realize ubiquitous interconnection and real-time data acquisition via …
An optimal configuration method of multi-level manufacturing resources based on community evolution for social manufacturing
Y Zhang, D Zhang, Z Wang, C Qian - Robotics and Computer-Integrated …, 2020 - Elsevier
Due to the rapid development of social economy and diverse market demands, higher
requirements are put forward for the existing manufacturing environment, such as the self …
requirements are put forward for the existing manufacturing environment, such as the self …
Applying the principles of social manufacturing to chemical process-related value chains
J Poesche, I Kauranen - 2016 IEEE International Conference …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The principles of Social Manufacturing are revolutionizing manufacturing value chains that
produce discrete products. Moreover, Social Manufacturing holds the promise of …
produce discrete products. Moreover, Social Manufacturing holds the promise of …