A systematic literature review of automated feedback generation for programming exercises
Formative feedback, aimed at helping students to improve their work, is an important factor
in learning. Many tools that offer programming exercises provide automated feedback on …
in learning. Many tools that offer programming exercises provide automated feedback on …
Towards a systematic review of automated feedback generation for programming exercises
Formative feedback, aimed at helping students to improve their work, is an important factor
in learning. Many tools that offer programming exercises provide automated feedback on …
in learning. Many tools that offer programming exercises provide automated feedback on …
[图书][B] The ethics of artificial intelligence in education
W Holmes, K Porayska-Pomsta - 2023 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Artificial Intelligence (AI) seems to be rarely out of the news. It has also quietly entered
classrooms, with 'intelligent','adaptive', and 'personalised'Artificial Intelligence in Education …
classrooms, with 'intelligent','adaptive', and 'personalised'Artificial Intelligence in Education …
[图书][B] Machine Learning and Human Intelligence. The future of education for the 21st century
R Luckin - 2018 - discovery.ucl.ac.uk
Machine Learning and Human Intelligence Page 1 Machine Learning and Human Intelligence
Rosemary Luckin Machine Learning and Human Intelligence The future of education for the …
Rosemary Luckin Machine Learning and Human Intelligence The future of education for the …
Supporting collaborative learning and problem-solving in a constraint-based CSCL environment for UML class diagrams
N Baghaei, A Mitrovic, W Irwin - International Journal of Computer …, 2007 - Springer
We present COLLECT-UML, a constraint-based intelligent tutoring system (ITS) that teaches
object-oriented analysis and design using Unified Modelling Language (UML). UML is …
object-oriented analysis and design using Unified Modelling Language (UML). UML is …
Supporting collaborative learning and e-discussions using artificial intelligence techniques
BM McLaren, O Scheuer… - International Journal of …, 2010 - content.iospress.com
An emerging trend in classrooms is the use of networked visual argumentation tools that
allow students to discuss, debate, and argue with one another in a synchronous fashion …
allow students to discuss, debate, and argue with one another in a synchronous fashion …
Designing pairbuddy—a conversational agent for pair programming
P Robe, SK Kuttal - ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction …, 2022 - dl.acm.org
From automated customer support to virtual assistants, conversational agents have
transformed everyday interactions, yet despite phenomenal progress, no agent exists for …
transformed everyday interactions, yet despite phenomenal progress, no agent exists for …
Educating students about programming plagiarism and collusion via formative feedback
O Karnalim, Simon, W Chivers, BS Panca - ACM Transactions on …, 2022 - dl.acm.org
To help address programming plagiarism and collusion, students should be informed about
acceptable practices and about program similarity, both coincidental and non-coincidental …
acceptable practices and about program similarity, both coincidental and non-coincidental …
A review of AI-supported tutoring approaches for learning programming
In this paper, we review tutoring approaches of computer-supported systems for learning
programming. From the survey we have learned three lessons. First, various AI-supported …
programming. From the survey we have learned three lessons. First, various AI-supported …
AI 与人类智能在知识生产中的博弈与融合及其对教育的启示
郝祥军, 贺雪 - 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2022 - xbjk.ecnu.edu.cn
人类自制造石器开始就致力于运用工具解放自己. 人工智能作为人造技术工具,
已经进入社会多个领域, 参与人类知识生产活动, 正逐渐分担着人类的体力乃至脑力劳动 …
已经进入社会多个领域, 参与人类知识生产活动, 正逐渐分担着人类的体力乃至脑力劳动 …