The effect of tomato waste compost on yield of tomato and some biological properties of soil

M Durmuş, R Kızılkaya - Agronomy, 2022 -
Turkey ranks third in the world in terms of tomato production, and approximately 12.5 million
tons of tomatoes are produced annually. Especially in greenhouse cultivation, tomato …

Effects of composts obtained from hazelnut wastes on the cultivation of pepper (Capsicum annuum) seedlings

F Ceylan - Scientific Reports, 2024 -
Mixing animal waste and agricultural waste in certain proportions forms agricultural compost
through appropriate air, time, and water supply. One of their use areas is directly used as …

Domates üretim atık ve artıklarından kompost eldesi

M Durmuş, R Kızılkaya - Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme Dergisi, 2018 -
Bitkisel kökenli tarımsal atıkların kompostlanarak tekrar tarım topraklarına ve doğaya
kazandırılması hem topraklarda eksilen organik madde eksiğini kapatmak hem de çevre …

[PDF][PDF] Chicken Eggshell as an Innovative Bioflocculant in Harvesting Biofloc for Aquaculture Wastewater Treatment.

HHW Jusoh, NA Kasan, H Manan… - Journal of …, 2023 -
Implementation of biofloc technology (BFT) system in aquaculture industry shows high
productivity, low feed conversion ratio, and an optimum culture environment. This study was …

Fındıktan üretilen atıkların toprağın fiziko-kimyasal ve biyolojik özelliklerine etkileri

DB Özenç, FI Yılmaz, C Tarakçıoğlu… - Mediterranean …, 2019 -
Bu çalışmada, fındığın hasat artığı olan zuruf ile fındık kabuğundan üretilen biyokömür farklı
dozlarda (0-3-6 t da-1) toprağa karıştırılmış ve inkübasyona (1-2-3-4 ay) bırakıldıktan sonra …

[PDF][PDF] Does hazelnut husk compost (HHC) effect on soil water holding capacity (WHC)? An environmental approach

T Aşkın, S Aygün - Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 2018 -
In this study, we applied hazelnut husk waste that was composted by using microbial
biotechnological techniques into soil in the field conditions. The hazelnut husk compost …

Farklı yetiştirme ortamına uygulanan vermikompostun marul bitkisinin gelişimi ile bazı bitki besin maddesi içerikleri üzerine etkisi

C Tarakçıoğlu, DB Özenç - Turkish Journal of Agriculture …, 2022 -
In this study, the effects of hazelnut husk (HH), peat (P) and growing medium consisting
hazelnut husk+ peat (HH: P) mixture on the growth of lettuce and some nutrient contents …

Farklı yetiştirme ortamlarının 5 BB Amerikan asma anacının fidan kalitesi ve randımanı üzerine etkisi

E Yaman - 2019 -
Bu araştırma 2016-2017 vejetasyon döneminde Ordu Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Bahçe
Bitkileri Bölümü uygulama ve araştırma alanında yeralan ısıtmasız serada ve dış koşuldaki …

The effect of vermicompost applied to different growing media on the development of lettuce and some plant nutrient contents.

C Tarakçıoğlu, DB Özenç - 2022 -
In this study, the effects of hazelnut husk (HH), peat (P) and growing medium consisting
hazelnut husk+ peat (HH: P) mixture on the growth of lettuce and some nutrient contents …

[PDF][PDF] The soil microbial activities influenced by hazelnut husk compost application.

R Kızılkaya, T Așkın, C Tarakçıog′ lu, OTK Durmuș… - 2015 -
''The Green Revolution''in agriculture which aimed to produce as much as possible in 1960-
70's is no longer in trend. In today's world of 21st century, high quality production is the …