Effects of liming and fertilization (N, PK) on chemistry and nitrogen turnover in acidic forest soils in SW Sweden

HÖ Nohrstedt - Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 2002 - Springer
SW Sweden has very acidic forest soils because of deposition ofair-borne pollutants. Large-
scale liming and fertilization have been proposed as countermeasures against a possible …

[HTML][HTML] Health consequences of acid rain in South West Sweden

I Rosborg, B Nihlgård - Journal of Geoscience and Environment …, 2018 - scirp.org
Acid rain leads to loss of essential elements from soils and bedrock, causing an imbalance
in especially dug well waters, as essential element concentrations decrease and potentially …

Effects of wood-ash addition on nitrogen turnover in a highly nitrogen loaded spruce site. Final project report; Effekter av askaaterfoering paa kvaeveomsaettningen i …

HO Nohrstedt, L Hoegbom, S Nordlund - 2000 - osti.gov
During two consecutive years, it was studied how a fertilization with 4.2 tonnes pelleted bark
ash per ha, made six-seven years earlier, affected soil chemistry, nitrogen turnover and soil …

Effects of wood-ash addition on nitrogen turnover in a highly nitrogen loaded spruce site. Final project report

HO Nohrstedt, L Hoegbom, S Nordlund - 2000 - inis.iaea.org
[en] During two consecutive years, it was studied how a fertilization with 4.2 tonnes pelleted
bark ash per ha, made six-seven years earlier, affected soil chemistry, nitrogen turnover and …