On the problem of numerical modeling of dangerous convective phenomena: possibilities of real-time forecast with the help of multi-core processors

NO Raba, EN Stankova - … Science and Its Applications-ICCSA 2011 …, 2011 - Springer
5-D convective cloud model with the detailed description of microphysical processes
(including 8 categories of cloud particles) is presented in the article. The model is developed …

Simulation of the kinetics of precipitation formation in a mixed-phased cloud

VN Piskunov, KG Gainullin, AM Petrov… - … and Oceanic Physics, 2022 - Springer
A system of kinetic equations describing microphysical processes in a three-phase vapor–
water–ice system is analyzed in terms of its potential for calculating the kinetics of …

On the effectiveness of using the GPU for numerical solution of stochastic collection equation

NO Raba, EN Stankova - … Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2013: 13th …, 2013 - Springer
Effective parallel algorithm is presented for numerical solution of stochastic collection
equation on graphical processors. System of stochastic collection equations describes …

On the possibilities of multi-core processor use for real-time forecast of dangerous convective phenomena

N Raba, E Stankova - Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA …, 2010 - Springer
We discuss the possibilities of use of the new generation of desktops for solution of one of
the most important problems of weather forecasting: real-time prediction of thunderstorms …

Numerical simulation of Brownian coagulation under turbulent mixing conditions

MA Zatevakhin, AA Ignatyev, VA Govorkova - Izvestiya, Atmospheric and …, 2015 - Springer
Brownian coagulation under turbulent mixing conditions is considered. The aerosol kinetics
module integrated into the three-dimensional hydrodynamic model describing the process of …

Моделирование кинетики формирования осадков в смешанном облаке

ВН Пискунов, КГ Гайнуллин, АМ Петров… - … академии наук. Физика …, 2022 - elibrary.ru
В работе представлены результаты исследования применимости системы
кинетических уравнений, описывающих микрофизические процессы в трехфазной …

Numerical simulation of cloud dynamics and microphysics

EN Stankova, MA Zatevakhin - International Conference on Computational …, 2003 - Springer
It is well known that convective clouds play an essential role in the evolution of the aerosol
particles in the atmosphere by providing spatial redistribution and transformation of aerosol …

Разработка и реализация алгоритма расчета коагуляции в модели облаков со смешанной фазой с использованием технологии CUDA

НО Раба - Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета …, 2011 - cyberleninka.ru
К наиболее эффективным инструментам изучения конвективных облаков относится
численное моделирование. Для увеличения точности прогноза желательно …

[PDF][PDF] Численное исследование процесса коагуляции аэрозольных частиц в турбулентном пограничном слое атмосферы

МА Затевахин, АА Игнатьев, Р Рамаросон… - … обсерватории им. АИ …, 2009 - voeikovmgo.ru
В условиях реальной атмосферы и в различных технологических установках процессы
коагуляции происходят в турбулентных течениях, характеризующихся наличием …

Two parallel algorithms for effective calculation of the precipitation particle spectra in elaborated numerical models of convective clouds

NO Raba, EN Stankova - … Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2014: 14th …, 2014 - Springer
Effective calculation of the spectra of precipitation particles, ie the spectra of water drops, ice
and snow crystals, graupel and hail is one of the most challenging problems in 2-D and 3-D …