[HTML][HTML] The Nurses' Perception of Expressive Touch: An Integrative Review

JE Burgess, KL Gorton, S Lasiter… - Journal of Caring …, 2023 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Introduction: Nurses use physical touch to interact with patients and address their needs.
Human touch benefits social development, stress/anxiety reduction, and rapport building …

Assessing individual differences in attitudes towards touch in treatment settings: Introducing the touch & health scale

A Vafeiadou, NC Bowling, C Hammond… - Health Psychology …, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
Individuals commonly receive touch in treatment settings, but there is limited research on
how they perceive it. The current project sought to address this gap by: 1) developing the …

REVIVE Is an Evidence-Based Approach for Nurses to Universally Apply Trauma-Informed Care in Maternity Settings

KH Endres, GM Maurer - Nursing for Women's Health, 2024 - Elsevier
The principles of trauma-informed care—safety, compassion, collaboration, communication,
autonomy, and empowerment—are also the domains most vulnerable to implicit bias and …

On the importance of social touch for senior individuals and ways to ameliorate social isolation: Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic

AIM Tummers-Heemels… - … , CyberTherapy & Social …, 2023 - research.tue.nl
The need for touch exists below the horizon of consciousness. Interpersonal touch, or gentle
physical contact between individuals, is an important aspect of human social interaction and …

Omvårdande beröring: Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter och upplevelser av fysisk beröring i en omvårdnadskontext

I Halminen Tegman, IG Wong - 2023 - diva-portal.org
Bakgrund: Beröring är en form av icke-verbal kommunikation som sjuksköterskan ofta stöter
på i vårdandet av andra. Beröring kan användas av sjuksköterskan för att exempelvis …

[PDF][PDF] Creating a caring praxis in nursing education and training: The experiences of the clinical supervisors

BC Syme - 2023 - uwcscholar.uwc.ac.za
Background: The integration of theory, research, and practice as caring praxis was revealed
in the everyday work and practice of caring within nursing.“Praxis is a coherent structure of …

The Fundamentals of Nursing Care Pillar

E De Luca, V Sadler, A Berry, I Coxon… - Nursing Practice and … - taylorfrancis.com
Fundamentals of care, the first of seven pillars of learning, is underpinned by a
contemporary movement that refocuses attention on nursing and on the essential …

Patienters upplevelse av beröring inom hälso-och sjukvården: en litteraturöversikt

A Kask, N Lublin - 2022 - diva-portal.org
Bakgrund Beröring används i flera syften och kan skapa olika upplevelser hos den som blir
berörd. Vårdrelationen mellan patienten och sjuksköterskan är beroende av beröring …


В ПРЯДКА, Л ФЕДОСОВА - Сучасна медицина, фармація …, 2022 - journals.maup.com.ua
Вступ. Актуальність дослідження обумовлена тим, що комунікативна компетенція є
сьогодні однією з ключових компетенцій, на формування яких спрямована сучасна …

Il tocco come vettore di una relazione nella pratica infermieristica. Revisione della letteratura.

S FRIGO - thesis.unipd.it
Background: Il contatto fisico è considerato una forma di comunicazione non verbale ed è
indiscutibile che questo sia una parte essenziale e universale dell'assistenza infermieristica …