Local pulse wave velocity: theory, methods, advancements, and clinical applications

PM Nabeel, VR Kiran, J Joseph… - IEEE Reviews in …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Local pulse wave velocity (PWV) is evolving as one of the important determinants of arterial
hemodynamics, localized vessel stiffening associated with several pathologies, and a host …

Pulse pressure, arterial stiffness, and end-organ damage

ME Safar, PM Nilsson, J Blacher, A Mimran - Current hypertension reports, 2012 - Springer
Whereas larger arteries participate in the dampening of blood pressure (BP) oscillations
resulting from intermittent ventricular ejection, smaller arteries steadily deliver an adequate …

Retinal venous pulsation: Expanding our understanding and use of this enigmatic phenomenon

WH Morgan, ML Hazelton, DY Yu - Progress in retinal and eye research, 2016 - Elsevier
Retinal vein pulsation was first noted soon after the invention of the ophthalmoscope 170
years ago and was seen to change with cerebrospinal fluid pressure (CSFP) variation in the …

Imaging pulse wave propagation in human retinal vessels using full-field swept-source optical coherence tomography

H Spahr, D Hillmann, C Hain, C Pfäffle, H Sudkamp… - Optics letters, 2015 - opg.optica.org
We demonstrate a new noninvasive method to assess biomechanical properties of the
retinal vascular system. Phase-sensitive full-field swept-source optical coherence …

Measuring the interaction between the macro-and micro-vasculature

RE Climie, A Gallo, DS Picone, N Di Lascio… - Frontiers in …, 2019 - frontiersin.org
Structural and functional dysfunction in both the macro-and microvasculature are a feature of
essential hypertension. In a healthy cardiovascular system, the elastic properties of the large …

[HTML][HTML] Senescence increases choroidal endothelial stiffness and susceptibility to complement injury: implications for choriocapillaris loss in AMD

AP Cabrera, A Bhaskaran, J Xu, X Yang… - … & visual science, 2016 - jov.arvojournals.org
Purpose: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) commonly causes blindness in the
elderly. Yet, it is untreatable in the large fraction of all AMD patients that develop the early …

Observation of natural flexural pulse waves in retinal and carotid arteries for wall elasticity estimation

G Laloy-Borgna, L Puyo, H Nishino, M Atlan… - Science …, 2023 - science.org
The risk of cardiovascular events is linked to arterial elasticity that can be estimated from the
pulse wave velocity. This symmetric wave velocity is related to the wall elasticity through the …

Direct measurement of pulse wave propagation in capillaries of the human retina

P Bedggood, A Metha - Optics Letters, 2021 - opg.optica.org
With each contraction of the heart's left ventricle, a pulse pressure wave surges into the aorta
and propagates throughout the vascular tree. The pulse wave drives blood flow forward. Its …

Increased cell stiffness contributes to complement‐mediated injury of choroidal endothelial cells in a monkey model of early age‐related macular degeneration

AP Cabrera, J Stoddard, I Santiago Tierno… - The Journal of …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Age‐related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in the aging
population. Yet no therapies exist for~ 85% of all AMD patients who have the dry form that is …

Retinal pulse wave velocity in young male normotensive and mildly hypertensive subjects

K Kotliar, H Hanssen, K Eberhardt, W Vilser… - …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Objective Hypertension is characterized by microvascular remodeling resulting in increased
wall/lumen ratio and elevated microvascular stiffness. Aiming to transform the measurement …