Dynamic CEO compensation

A Edmans, X Gabaix, T Sadzik… - The Journal of …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
We study optimal compensation in a dynamic framework where the CEO consumes in
multiple periods, can undo the contract by privately saving, and can temporarily inflate …

Power dynamics in organizations

J Li, N Matouschek, M Powell - American Economic Journal …, 2017 - pubs.aeaweb.org
We examine an infinitely repeated game between a principal, who has the formal authority
to decide on a project, and a biased agent, who is privately informed about what projects are …

Calibrated incentive contracts

S Chassang - Econometrica, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
This paper studies a dynamic agency problem which includes limited liability, moral hazard,
and adverse selection. The paper develops a robust approach to dynamic contracting based …

Robust contracts in continuous time

J Miao, A Rivera - Econometrica, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
We study a continuous‐time contracting problem under hidden action, where the principal
has ambiguous beliefs about the project cash flows. The principal designs a robust contract …

Investment and CEO compensation under limited commitment

H Ai, R Li - Journal of Financial Economics, 2015 - Elsevier
We extend the neoclassical investment model (Hayashi, 1982) to allow for limited
commitment on compensation contracts. We consider three types of limited commitment:(i) …

How important are risk-taking incentives in executive compensation?

I Dittmann, KC Yu, D Zhang - Review of Finance, 2017 - academic.oup.com
We consider a model in which shareholders provide a risk-averse CEO with risk-taking
incentives in addition to effort incentives. We show that the optimal contract protects the CEO …

Agency conflicts and short-versus long-termism in corporate policies

S Gryglewicz, S Mayer, E Morellec - Journal of financial economics, 2020 - Elsevier
We build a dynamic agency model in which the agent controls both current earnings via
short-term investment and firm growth via long-term investment. Under the optimal contract …

Optimal dynamic contracts with moral hazard and costly monitoring

T Piskorski, MM Westerfield - Journal of Economic Theory, 2016 - Elsevier
We introduce a tractable dynamic monitoring technology into a continuous-time moral-
hazard problem and study the optimal long-term contract between principal and agent …

Information versus investment

SJ Terry, TM Whited… - The Review of Financial …, 2023 - academic.oup.com
We quantify the real implications of trade-offs between firm information disclosure and long-
term investment efficiency. We estimate a dynamic equilibrium model in which firm …

Relational contracts, limited liability, and employment dynamics

Y Fong, J Li - Journal of Economic Theory, 2017 - Elsevier
This paper studies a relational contracting model in which the agent is protected by a limited
liability constraint. The agent's effort is his private information and affects output …