Neural Wasserstein gradient flows for maximum mean discrepancies with Riesz kernels

F Altekrüger, J Hertrich, G Steidl - arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.11624, 2023 -
Wasserstein gradient flows of maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) functionals with non-
smooth Riesz kernels show a rich structure as singular measures can become absolutely …

Generative sliced MMD flows with Riesz kernels

J Hertrich, C Wald, F Altekrüger… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2023 -
Maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) flows suffer from high computational costs in large
scale computations. In this paper, we show that MMD flows with Riesz kernels $ K (x, y) …

Fast kernel summation in high dimensions via slicing and Fourier transforms

J Hertrich - SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science, 2024 - SIAM
Kernel-based methods are heavily used in machine learning. However, they suffer from
complexity in the number of considered data points. In this paper, we propose an …

Conditional wasserstein distances with applications in bayesian ot flow matching

J Chemseddine, P Hagemann, G Steidl… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2024 -
In inverse problems, many conditional generative models approximate the posterior
measure by minimizing a distance between the joint measure and its learned approximation …

Wasserstein gradient flows for Moreau envelopes of f-divergences in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces

S Neumayer, V Stein, G Steidl, N Rux - arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.04613, 2024 -
Most commonly used $ f $-divergences of measures, eg, the Kullback-Leibler divergence,
are subject to limitations regarding the support of the involved measures. A remedy consists …

Threshold condensation to singular support for a Riesz equilibrium problem

D Chafaï, EB Saff, RS Womersley - Analysis and Mathematical Physics, 2023 - Springer
We compute the equilibrium measure in dimension d= s+ 4 associated to a Riesz s-kernel
interaction with an external field given by a power of the Euclidean norm. Our study reveals …

Wasserstein gradient flows of the discrepancy with distance kernel on the line

J Hertrich, R Beinert, M Gräf, G Steidl - International Conference on Scale …, 2023 - Springer
This paper provides results on Wasserstein gradient flows between measures on the real
line. Utilizing the isometric embedding of the Wasserstein space P 2 (R) into the Hilbert …

Wasserstein gradient flows of MMD functionals with distance kernel and Cauchy problems on quantile functions

R Duong, V Stein, R Beinert, J Hertrich… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2024 -
We give a comprehensive description of Wasserstein gradient flows of maximum mean
discrepancy (MMD) functionals $\mathcal F_\nu:=\text {MMD} _K^ 2 (\cdot,\nu) $ towards …

On the global convergence of Wasserstein gradient flow of the Coulomb discrepancy

S Boufadène, FX Vialard - 2023 -
In this work, we study the Wasserstein gradient flow of the Riesz energy defined on the
space of probability measures. The Riesz kernels define a quadratic functional on the space …

Mirror and Preconditioned Gradient Descent in Wasserstein Space

C Bonet, T Uscidda, A David… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2024 -
As the problem of minimizing functionals on the Wasserstein space encompasses many
applications in machine learning, different optimization algorithms on $\mathbb {R}^ d …