[PDF][PDF] Evidence gathering and identification of line messenger on android device

I Riadi, A Fadlil, A Fauzan - Int. J. Comput. Sci. Inf. Secur.(IJCSIS), 2018 - academia.edu
Smartphone's usage and their applications become popular in our society, nowadays. One
of the most influential applications in our social life is the instant messaging application …

[PDF][PDF] Live Forensics Method for Analysis Denial of Service (DOS) Attack on Routerboard

MA Zulkifli, I Riadi, Y Prayudi - Int. J. Comput. Appl, 2018 - researchgate.net
ABSTRACT Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are structured network attacks that originate
from multiple sources and converge to form large packet currents. A DoS attack aims to …

[PDF][PDF] Forensics acquisition and analysis method of imo messenger

MK Tri, I Riadi, Y Prayudi - International Journal of Computer …, 2018 - researchgate.net
ABSTRACT Nowadays, Instant Messenger (IM) applications (apps) have always been a
main area of research for forensic examiners. IM apps are used by most of the people in the …

Identification of digital evidence facebook messenger on mobile phone with National Institute of Standards Technology (Nist) Method

A Yudhana, I Riadi, I Anshori - Jurnal Ilmiah Kursor, 2018 - kursorjournal.org
Facebook Messenger is a popular social media. The increasing number of Facebook
Messenger users certainly has a positive and negative impact, one of the negative effects is …

Perbandingan Hasil Investigasi Barang Bukti Digital pada Aplikasi Facebook dan Instagram dengan Metode NIST

R Rahmansyah - Cyber Security dan Forensik Digital, 2021 - ejournal.uin-suka.ac.id
Kemajuan teknologi sudah sangat berkembang pada masa ini, salah satunya adalah
dibidang media penyebaran informasi. Media penyebaran informasi yang berkembang ini …

[PDF][PDF] Analisis Forensik Solid State Drive (SSD) Menggunakan Framework GRR Rapid Response

IR Sunardi, IM Nasrulloh - Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu …, 2019 - eprints.uad.ac.id
Teknologi komputer pada empat tahun terahir ini mengalami perkembangan yang pesat.
Bersamaan dengan itu juga berdampak negatif salah satunya adalah berupa kejahatan …

Analisis Forensik Aplikasi Dompet Digital Pada Smartphone Android Menggunakan Metode DFRWS

R Umar, A Yudhana, MN Fadillah - KLIK-KUMPULAN JURNAL ILMU …, 2022 - klik.ulm.ac.id
Along with the emergence of app digital wallet in Indonesia, the use of smartphone devices
has the function not only as a communication tool, but also began to be used as a tool to …

Rancangan Metode Nist Untuk Forensik Aplikasi Mobile Payment Berbasis Android

MN Fadillah, R Umar, A Yudhana - Seminar Nasional Informatika …, 2018 - jurnal.upnyk.ac.id
Pertumbuhan pengguna smartphone yang meningkat dan semakin meratanya koneksi
internet secara tidak langsung berpengaruh terhadap munculnya layanan pembayaran …

Development of Digital Forensic Framework for Anti-Forensic and Profiling Using Open Source Intelligence in Cyber Crime Investigation

MF Hakim, A Alamsyah - Recursive Journal of Informatics, 2024 - journal.unnes.ac.id
Cybercrime is a crime that increases every year. The development of cyber crime occurs by
utilizing mobile devices such as smartphones. So it is necessary to have a scientific …

Analisa Forensics Terhadap Database Sqlite pada Aplikasi IMO Berbasis Android

MKT Haryanto - 2018 - dspace.uii.ac.id
Internet in the result of technological innovations the are practical eventhough social media
is medium for socializing each others and it is done online to enable humans interacting …