Identifying twin travelers using ridesourcing trip data

N Chiabaut, C Veve - Transport Findings, 2019 -
Résumé Shared mobility services are announced as a game changer in transportation and
a promising solution to reduce congestion and improve performance of urban mobility …

A Bayesian spatiotemporal approach for bus speed modeling

B Hu, K Xie, H Cui, H Lin - 2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation …, 2019 -
Bus speed modeling is essential for effective operation and management of public transit
systems. Space-time interaction patterns are being ignored when modeling bus speed, and …

The connection between mode beliefs and mode liking: biking versus driving

S Handy - Findings, 2019 -
This article seeks to identify the differences in public transport travel times between
individuals with and without disabilities in Santiago, Chile. To accomplish this, a survey was …