Birth Rates and the Cleansing of Impure Blood: Shaping the “Muslim Question” in the Balkans

D Suhonic - The Politics of Replacement, 2023 -
This chapter investigates the history and ideology behind Balkan's “Muslim Question”,
starting from the fall of the Ottoman Empire up to the Bosnian Genocide in the 1990s. It also …

From classification to triumphalism (the last stages of genocide against Bosniaks)

M Džananović - Monumenta Srebrenica, 2022 -
After the end of the Second World War, the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of
the Crime of Genocide (Genocide Convention) was adopted. The promise “never again” was …

Od klasifikacije do triumfalizma (poslednje etape genocida nad Bošnjacima)

M Džananović - Monumenta Srebrenica, 2022 -
Nakon završetka Drugog svjetskog rata usvojena je Konvencija o sprečavanju i kažnjavanju
zločina genocida (Konvencija o genocidu). Izrečeno je i obećanje, koje je glasilo:„nikad više …

Od klasifikacije do trijumfalizma (posljednje etape genocida nad Bošnjacima)

M Džananović - Godišnjak Bošnjačke zajednice kulture» Preporod «, 2022 -
After the end of World War II, the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime
of Genocide (Genocide Convention) was adopted. The promise was made “never again, first …