[HTML][HTML] Environmental performance of seaweed cultivation and use in different industries: A systematic review
This study provides a comprehensive review of the environmental impacts associated with
seaweed cultivation and utilization in various industries, focusing on life cycle assessment …
seaweed cultivation and utilization in various industries, focusing on life cycle assessment …
Reply to: Rectifying misinformation on the climate intervention potential of ocean afforestation
We thank Smetacek et al. 1 for commenting on our study. Here, we provide our Reply to their
third (modified) version of their Comment, noting that their first two versions made some …
third (modified) version of their Comment, noting that their first two versions made some …
[PDF][PDF] What does the climate neutrality goal require for the EU's electricity sector?
T Aboumahboub, N Grant, CP Team, C Analytics - 2023 - wwfeu.awsassets.panda.org
What does the climate neutrality goal require for the EU’s electricity sector? Page 1 1 Briefing
What does the climate neutrality goal require for the EU’s electricity sector? By Tina …
What does the climate neutrality goal require for the EU’s electricity sector? By Tina …