Joint scheduling of deferrable demand and storage with random supply and processing rate limits
We study the joint scheduling of deferrable demands (eg, the charging of electric vehicles)
and storage systems in the presence of random supply, demand arrivals, processing costs …
and storage systems in the presence of random supply, demand arrivals, processing costs …
Co-optimizing consumption and EV charging under net energy metering
We consider the co-optimization of flexible house-hold consumption, electric vehicle
charging, and behind-the-meter distributed energy resources under the net energy metering …
charging, and behind-the-meter distributed energy resources under the net energy metering …
Deferrable Load Scheduling under Demand Charge: A Block Model-Predictive Control Approach
Optimal scheduling of deferrable electrical loads can reshape the aggregated load profile to
achieve higher operational efficiency and reliability. This paper studies deferrable load …
achieve higher operational efficiency and reliability. This paper studies deferrable load …