[图书][B] Modern clan politics: the power of" blood" in Kazakhstan and beyond

E Schatz - 2012 - books.google.com
Edward Schatz explores the politics of kin-based clan divisions in the post-Soviet state of
Kazakhstan. Drawing from extensive ethnographic and archival research, interviews, and …

[图书][B] Social capital: Theory and research

R Dubos - 2017 - books.google.com
Leading scholars in the field of social networks from diverse disciplines present the first
systematic and comprehensive collection of current theories and empirical research on the …

Social capital and earnings inequalities: the role of informal job search in Hungary

T Bartus - 2001 - research.rug.nl
Abstract The study Social Capital and Earnings Inequalities addresses two questions.(1) Is it
true that good jobs in Hungary can be obtained through friends and relatives?(2) Why do …

Information and favoritism: The network effect on wage income in China

Y Bian, X Huang, L Zhang - Social Networks, 2015 - Elsevier
How do social networks matter for labor market opportunities and outcomes? To fill in a gap
between network theory and research evidence, we develop a theoretical explanation of …

Formal structures and informal networks: Structural analysis in organizations

ON Rank - Scandinavian Journal of Management, 2008 - Elsevier
Adopting a network-analytical approach this study tests predictions regarding the
coexistence of formal organizational structures and informal networks. Data have been …

Rural gentrification in Russia: Renegotiating identity, alternative food production and social tensions in the countryside

N Mamonova, LA Sutherland - Journal of Rural studies, 2015 - Elsevier
In this paper, processes of rural gentrification are assessed in the post-Soviet context. In-
depth, qualitative interviews were undertaken with 22 dacha (second country home) owners …

Social capital and grassroots development: the case of Roma self-governance in Hungary

KA Schafft, DL Brown - Social problems, 2000 - academic.oup.com
This study investigates the determinants of Roma local minority self-government (LMSG)
capacity in Hungary and the role of Roma LMSGs in community development. Following the …

The symbiotic existence of interorganizational and interpersonal ties in supply chain collaboration

S Ekanayake, P Childerhouse, P Sun - The International Journal of …, 2017 - emerald.com
Purpose Social network perspective to interorganizational relations focuses on the effect of
organizations' external relationships in collaboration as opposed to their internal resources …

Social capital and homophily both matter for labor market outcomes–evidence from replication and extension

Y Chen, B Volker - Social Networks, 2016 - Elsevier
Social resource theory has been challenged, as the effects of contact resources on job
outcomes may be spurious given the presence of homophily. We review the Mouw–Lin …

Getting personal: Networks and stratification in the Russian labor market, 1985–2001

TP Gerber, O Mayorova - American Journal of Sociology, 2010 - journals.uchicago.edu
The authors use employment histories from survey data to examine personal network use
and stratification in the Russian labor market from 1985 to 2001. Institutional changes …