Numerical path following

EL Allgower, K Georg - Handbook of numerical analysis, 1997 - Elsevier
Because of their versatility and robustness, numerical continuation or path following
methods have been finding ever wider use in scientific applications. Our aim here is to give …

Group‐theoretic exploitations of symmetry in computational solid and structural mechanics

A Zingoni - International journal for numerical methods in …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
The use of group theory in simplifying the study of problems involving symmetry is a well‐
established approach in various branches of physics and chemistry, and major applications …

Ss antman je marsden l. sirovich

JKHPHJ Keener, JKBJMA Mielke, CSPKR Sreenivasan - 2005 - Springer
The main purpose of this chapter is to give a derivation, which is mathematically precise,
physically natural, and conceptually simple, of the quasilinear system of partial differential …

Continuation and path following

EL Allgower, K Georg - Acta numerica, 1993 -
The main ideas of path following by predictor–corrector and piecewise-linear methods, and
their application in the direction of homotopy methods and nonlinear eigenvalue problems …

[图书][B] Optimal analysis of structures by concepts of symmetry and regularity

A Kaveh - 2013 - Springer
Concepts from different fields of mathematics are combined to obtain powerful tools and
algorithms for efficient analysis of structures. Many structures are either symmetric or regular …

[图书][B] Imperfect bifurcation in structures and materials

K Ikeda, K Murota - 2002 - Springer
Many physical systems lose or gain stability and pattern through bifurcation. Extensive
research of such bifurcation behavior is carried out in science and engineering. The study of …

Optimal analysis for optimal design of cyclic symmetric structures subject to frequency constraints

A Kaveh, KB Hamedani, A Joudaki, M Kamalinejad - Structures, 2021 - Elsevier
In general, the design optimization of large-scale structural systems is an extremely
computationally expensive process. However, optimal structural analysis provides efficient …

An introduction to the analysis of symmetric structures

RD Kangwai, SD Guest, S Pellegrino - Computers & structures, 1999 - Elsevier
This paper aims to review and explain the techniques used to analyse symmetric structures
subject to a general loading. After an extensive review of previous work in this field, the …

Generalized eigenvalue analysis of symmetric prestressed structures using group theory

Y Chen, J Feng - Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 2012 -
As conventional approaches for calculating natural frequencies do not make full use of the
inherent symmetry of a structure, the rising degree of freedoms often leads to significant …

Symmetry-adapted equilibrium matrices

RD Kangwai, SD Guest - International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2000 - Elsevier
A number of authors have previously used group representation theory to block-diagonalise
the stiffness matrix of a symmetric structure. This paper describes how similar techniques …