A review of virtual assistants' characteristics: Recommendations for designing an optimal human–machine cooperation
M Gilles, E Bevacqua - Journal of Computing and …, 2022 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
Designed to improve human–machine interactions, virtual agents and particularly virtual
assistants (VAs) are spreading in our daily lives. Presenting a very wide variety of …
assistants (VAs) are spreading in our daily lives. Presenting a very wide variety of …
My bad! repairing intelligent voice assistant errors improves interaction
One key technique people use in conversation and collaboration is conversational repair.
Self-repair is the recognition and attempted correction of one's own mistakes. We investigate …
Self-repair is the recognition and attempted correction of one's own mistakes. We investigate …
Excluded by robots: Can robot-robot-human interaction lead to ostracism?
H Erel, Y Cohen, K Shafrir, SD Levy, ID Vidra… - Proceedings of the …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
Robot-Robot-Human Interaction is an emerging field, holding the potential to reveal social
effects involved in human interaction with more than one robot. We tested if an interaction …
effects involved in human interaction with more than one robot. We tested if an interaction …
Using social cues to recognize task failures for hri: A review of current research and future directions
Robots that carry out tasks and interact in complex environments will inevitably commit
errors. Error detection is thus an important ability for robots to master, to work in an efficient …
errors. Error detection is thus an important ability for robots to master, to work in an efficient …
A carryover effect in HRI: beyond direct social effects in human-robot interaction
We evaluate whether an interaction with robots can influence a subsequent Human-Human
Interaction without the robots' presence. Social psychology studies indicate that some social …
Interaction without the robots' presence. Social psychology studies indicate that some social …
Power in Human-Robot Interaction
Power is a fundamental determinant of social life, yet it remains elusive in Human-Robot
Interaction (HRI). This paper unveils power's pervasive but largely unexplored role in HRI by …
Interaction (HRI). This paper unveils power's pervasive but largely unexplored role in HRI by …
Let me show you your new home: Studying the effect of proxemic-awareness of robots on users' first impressions
First impressions play an important part in social interactions, establishing the foundation of
a person's opinion about their counterparts. Since interpersonal communication is …
a person's opinion about their counterparts. Since interpersonal communication is …
Effect of anthropomorphic design and hierarchical status on balancing self-serving bias: Accounting for education, ethnicity, and experience
To address the issue of self-serving attributional bias linked to automation technology and
artificial intelligence (AI), this study recruited a gender-balanced sample to investigate the …
artificial intelligence (AI), this study recruited a gender-balanced sample to investigate the …
Communicative robot signals: presenting a new typology for human-robot interaction
We present a new typology for classifying signals from robots when they communicate with
humans. For inspiration, we use ethology, the study of animal behaviour and previous efforts …
humans. For inspiration, we use ethology, the study of animal behaviour and previous efforts …
Robotic improvisers: Rule-based improvisation and emergent behaviour in hri
A key challenge in human-robot interaction (HRI) design is to create and sustain engaging
social interactions. This paper argues that improvisational techniques from the performing …
social interactions. This paper argues that improvisational techniques from the performing …