The biology and ecology of coral rubble and implications for the future of coral reefs

K Wolfe, TM Kenyon, PJ Mumby - Coral Reefs, 2021 - Springer
Structural complexity provided by the living coral reef framework is the basis of the rich and
dynamic biodiversity in coral reefs. In many cases today, the reduction in habitat complexity …

Algal turf sediments on coral reefs: what's known and what's next

SB Tebbett, DR Bellwood - Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2019 - Elsevier
Algal turfs are likely to rise in prominence on coral reefs in the Anthropocene. In these
ecosystems the sediments bound within algal turfs will shape ecosystem functions and the …

[PDF][PDF] Mesophotic coral ecosystems

S Kahng, JM Copus, D Wagner - Marine animal forests, 2017 -
Coral reefs are among the most biodiverse and productive ecosystems on the planet.
However, our understanding of these ecosystems and their inhabitants has primarily been …

Seaweed-coral interactions: variance in seaweed allelopathy, coral susceptibility, and potential effects on coral resilience

RM Bonaldo, ME Hay - PloS one, 2014 -
Tropical reefs are in global decline with seaweeds commonly replacing corals. Negative
associations between macroalgae and corals are well documented, but the mechanisms …

[HTML][HTML] A centuries-old manmade reef in the Caribbean does not substitute natural reefs in terms of species assemblages and interspecific competition

CEL Hill, MM Lymperaki, BW Hoeksema - Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2021 - Elsevier
With increasing maritime activities in the proximity of coral reefs, a growing number of
manmade structures are becoming available for coral colonisation. Yet, little is known about …

Reefs under siege—the rise, putative drivers, and consequences of benthic cyanobacterial mats

AK Ford, S Bejarano, MM Nugues, PM Visser… - Frontiers in Marine …, 2018 -
Benthic cyanobacteria have commonly been a small but integral component of coral reef
ecosystems, fulfilling the critical function of introducing bioavailable nitrogen to an inherently …

Sediment addition drives declines in algal turf yield to herbivorous coral reef fishes: implications for reefs and reef fisheries

SB Tebbett, DR Bellwood, SW Purcell - Coral Reefs, 2018 - Springer
Coral reefs around the world are changing rapidly, with overfishing of herbivorous fishes
and increased sediment inputs being two of the major local-scale stressors. We therefore …

Simultaneous synergist, antagonistic and additive interactions between multiple local stressors all degrade algal turf communities on coral reefs

CR Fong, SJ Bittick, P Fong - Journal of Ecology, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Ecological communities are subjected to multiple anthropogenic stressors at both global and
local scales that are increasing in number and magnitude. Stressors can interact in complex …

Extreme rainfall events pulse substantial nutrients and sediments from terrestrial to nearshore coastal communities: a case study from French Polynesia

CR Fong, CJ Gaynus, RC Carpenter - Scientific Reports, 2020 -
Rainfall mobilizes and transports anthropogenic sources of sediments and nutrients from
terrestrial to coastal marine ecosystems, and episodic but extreme rainfall may drive high …

Towards a trait‐based framework for marine macroalgae: using categorical data to explore the nature of emergent functional groups

CR Fong, ER Ryznar, LL Smith, P Fong - Journal of Ecology, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
While trait‐based approaches have been effectively leveraged by plant ecologists to
advance our understanding of community responses to major global challenges, such as …