The Influence Of Ownership Structure, CEO Duality, Audit Type, Board Independence And Triple Bottom Line On Reducing The Financial Distress Of Egyptian …

E Attia, H Abozeid - مجلة جامعة جنوب الوادى الدولية للبحوث التجارية, 2021‎ -
The study examines the impact of CG measures on corporate failure of 55 listed companies
whose shares are among Egypt's 100 most actively traded shares from (2010-2018) …

The Influence of Ownership Structure, CEO Duality, Audit Type, Board Independence and Triple Bottom Line on Reducing the Financial Distress of Egyptian …

SS Daher, HOTA Abozeid, EF Attia -
The study examines the impact of CG measures on corporate failure of 55 listed companies
whose shares are among Egypt's 100 most actively traded shares from (2010-2018). The …